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YouTube Uploader Gets Sued For Copyright Infringement

Prison for YouTubeSensational headline, and not yet true (that I’m aware). But it will be this summer. If you’re ripping off TV and uploading it, you can’t hide behind YouTube. Remember the Napster days when a few individuals got singled out and brought to court? We’ll soon see a few high-profile lawsuits against not YouTube but its uploaders. “YouTube Stirs Napster Memories in Digital Movie Era” is the title of this article by Jennifer LeClaire of TechNewWorld.

“YouTube users likewise face exposure to liability for copyright infringement, to the extent that they distribute copyrighted works to YouTube or other users by ‘digital phonorecord delivery,’ which the Copyright Act defines as an individual delivery which results in a reproduction of a phonorecord by or for any transmission recipient,” Norgaard told TechNewsWorld.

(Photo: “Closer dear, closer.”)

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  1. I’m sorry but when somebody wants to watch a T.V. Show that is off the air (Invader Zim) then that someone shouldn’t freakin’ have to pay to download it just because someone wants an extra buck in their pocket!!!

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