YouTube to Become “Next-Generation Cable Provider”

YouTube, according to the Wall Street Journal and CNET, is looking to become the “next generation cable provider.” We’re seeing more and more shifts in the online-video medium, and YouTube appears to be making dramatic shifts away from its origin.

Reports CNet:

  • youtube 2012

    Google has inked deals with InterActiveCorp’s Electus, News Corp., and “CSI” creator Anthony Zuiker to create content for its site. Celebrity skateboarder Tony Hawk has also reportedly signed a deal with Google.

  • The company was investing $100 million in original content, and would create about 20 “premium channels” featuring 5 to 10 hours of original programming each week.
  • But now that a recent study suggests online-video is giving cable a run for its money, things are changing.

Over the years, YouTube has relied on third-party content and has consistently said that it’s not in the original-content game. But according to the Journal’s sources, Google has designs on becoming a “next-generation cable provider” and has shifted its focus.

Will amateur and short-form video still matter? What do you think?


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  1. In my opinion, there’s a place for it all. That said, we’ve all wanted to economics of web video to evolve, and well, here it is.

    With more legitimate potential to earn signifcant money comes higher production value. With higher production value (even by “amateurs”) the competition for eyeballs stiffens. So whatever is good will still rise on its own if it’s really good.

    Perhaps the question should be framed another way: Will amateur videomakers with often-times lower-production quality be able to compete with professional quality programming in the same space?

    Well, given that the “Superchannels” will get premium push, it’s not likely. The money is coming to online video. Only a few amateurs will get a piece of it.

    Perhaps we should call it “You-Had-Your-Chance-Tube” 🙂

  2. I don’t know, Bob. Given the never ending popularity of “America’s Funniest Videos,” (much to my amazement), and the bombardment of TruTV reality TV shows, I think amateurs still have a chance, albeit a slim one.

  3. Now you know why Chad Hurley called himself a media mogul from the very start.

    Higher quality content is always a good thing. It’s a big hit for the amateurs and beginners who want to go pro but at the same time means cutting all the low quality noise.

    Do you think that the novelty of online video creation wore out? Is amateur video now officially nothing but a small niche?

    I’d say yes to both. And it’s in this context that amateur video will still matter. A playground, a testing ground, something for people with specific interest in it.

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