YouTube Tips for Small Business

I love small businesses (I got my MBA in entrepreneurship). I want them to succeed in online-video marketing because it’s a guerilla marketer’s dream channel.

That said, small businesses make lousy clients. That’s part of why I wrote Beyond Viral, and the chief reason I wrote the REELSEO Online Video 101 for Small Business (it’s free).

So when Britt Klontz sent me a note about this interactive tool for small businesses interested in YouTube… well I just had to share it. The cool thing about it is this: it links out to a bunch of relevant articles based on where you are in your process.

This interactive tool helps small businesses figure out YouTube.
This interactive tool helps small businesses figure out YouTube.

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  1. I am surprised there was so much good info. I knew most of that stuff, but there was a few good pages that had things I never heard before.

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