YouTube: “The River of Dung”

dung.jpgIn the most thought-inspiring article since Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” award cover story that named me, Maxim writer John Walsh has written a piece called “You Suck!” in the August issue.

“All that user-generated content you’re posting on the Web? Please stop,” writes Walsh. He likens browsing YouTube like “panning for gold dust in a shallow river of dung.” Some other interesting points:

  • When Gutenberg invented movable type, was there a sudden explosion of self-indulgent horshit? Nope. Bibles and scientific treatises.
  • When Morse invented the telegraph, it “nurtured a vigorous economy and informed electorate.”
  • Walsh tracks the decline as we moved into television, magazines and now… MySpace and YouTube. Will Ferrell, he writes, is an exception. But you and me? We’re not Will Ferrell.

“Ask yourself,” Walsh rants. “Would I want to waste five minutes watching what I’m about to make? Odds are, the answer is no.”

Guilty as charged, Walsh.

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  1. lol wtf are you guys doing this shizzle is hilarious i got one for you you need to do that but with drinks and then shove them in her fae

  2. the beauty part is Mr. Walsh doesn’t have to watch youtube and I don’t have to read his column.

    one thing he does miss while panning for gold in a dung heap, much like in the western half of these here United States, it sure helped to build some great cities.

    Gutenburg’s Press also created a paper industry out of discarded underwear.
    Morse’s Telegraph helped to put the Pony Express out of business and many fell to their deaths stringing those wires in the Rockies.
    Will Ferrell is cute, but he’s no Lenny Bruce.

    What Mr. Walsh misses in the great youtube exploration is the power of word of mouth. I’d be happy to pass a half dozen links his way from some very inspiring youtubers. He can e-mail me πŸ˜‰

  3. youtube? never heard of it …..waitress,A round of coronas with limes for everyone! i told u i was drunk,hey at least im not stoned πŸ˜‰

  4. Uh oh. Feel a rant. Is Walsh saying that when Morse invented the telegraph, nobody physically touched the gadget unless it be for bettering the economy or informing the electorate? No, the operator trainees probably tapped out “You suck!” to each other a million times. When put in front of a keyboard, who hasn’t typed “Now is the time…” or “The quick brown fox…”? We all produced drivel at first and that is the same for YouTube- the majority of the content is on par with the quick brown fox. Should we hold back crayons until the kid can produce art? Should we stop the world from playing Heart and Soul on the piano? Most of us do suck at most things we try. YouTube is just a new medium to try. The only difference is we can share with the world instead of just with mom. Walsh sucks. I feel better now.

  5. Uh oh. Feel a rant. Is Walsh saying that when Morse invented the telegraph, nobody physically touched the gadget unless it be for bettering the economy or informing the electorate? No, the operator trainees probably tapped out “You suck!” to each other a million times. When put in front of a keyboard, who hasn’t typed “Now is the time…” or “The quick brown fox…”? We all produced drivel at first and that is the same for YouTube- the majority of the content is on par with the quick brown fox. Should we hold back crayons until the kid can produce art? Should we stop the world from playing Heart and Soul on the piano? Most of us do suck at most things we try. YouTube is just a new medium to try. And trying is okay. The only difference is we can share with the world instead of just with mom. Walsh sucks. I feel better now.

  6. Dear Ms. spartangirl1995,
    Is this what you are referring to? If so, please read it again and notice who it is directed to. If you fill the bill please use the Subject Line. Thanks!

    desperately seeking spartangirl πŸ˜‰

  7. I spend all day searching through dung and I find plenty of gold. He needs to start utilizing the filtration systems.

  8. River of dung? I don’t know how she is involved, but I suspect Los Angeles County prosecutor Rocky Delgadiope’s wife Michelle is the culprit. I mean, why NOT blame her for bad video on the internet? She’s committed every other moving violation in the city.

  9. Who is Lindsay Lohan? Sorry folks, I’m out of touch with the MSM, all I do is watch Nalts videos. Still can figure out how he walked away without a scratch after that mini van hit the garbage can he was hiding in.

  10. Li-Lo…uh oh. Lindsay Lohan is the pop cult icon of teenagers across the globe, a 21 year-old movie star criminal with the mind of a 13 year-old and a bank account large enough to qualify her as the best of the best that America has to offer.

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