YouTube Star (ShayCarl) Proves Fat Drives Subscriptions

Shaycarl (on left with author) ate cheesecake for 3 weeks to gain 12 pounds for his new roll on DailyFiberFilms. The result? Better acting range and comedy.

What happened when an obscure comedy troupe was given a “shout out” from one of YouTube’s “overnight successes” (TheStation)?

TheStation2 — a secondary channel by the Venice Beach, California consortium of popular YouTubers — brought attention to DailyFiberFilms. The channel exploded from 120 subscribers to nearly 4000 instantly. (source: comment from rdidri on a video ReelSEO did about “viral video.”).

In the video below, YouTube comedian Shaycarl/Shaytards (seen in various characters and apparently with an additional 10-12 extra pounds) shows the positive impact of fat on comedy. Notice his acting range has expanded as much as his stretch pants? The subtly of his character portrayal is driven by his adipocytes.

It’s a comedy lesson proven by Belushi, Abbott & Costello, Laurel & Hardy, Curly, Candy, Dangerfield, Spade & Farley and now Butler. And to that we say, “bring on the fiber.”

Of course I’m kidding. It’s not Shay, but check out the Daily Fiber Films to dislodge your humor colon and make your laughter “regular.”

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  1. Hey Nalt,
    Funny article, even though you called me fat about 50 times 🙂
    I’m the REAL actor in the Daily Fiber videos, Raymond McAnally. Thanks for directing people to us. I work very hard on these videos and I am a professional trained actor- not just a dude with a camera. So if you could at some point say my name next time. I get the shaytards joke and appreciate you sending people to our videos. Its just bitter sweet when someone else gets recognition for your hard work. I am sure you understand.

    Raymond McAnally

  2. This not Shaycarl. Shaycarl is the dude from the right in the 1st photo. He is a Youtuber, alright. The main article is about Raymond McAnally (better to edit that!!).
    By the why Raymond. I watched ur scene on 30 Rock the other dy. U were so funny. I loved ur neck stretching move. I still can’t do it yet but I will.

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