YouTube ROI: Case Studies

According to YouTube’s business blog, the company conducted 160 studies showing the impact of videos. Not a lot of detail, but maybe some more on these Compete Inc. webcasts (conducted live in December).

Not surprisingly, YouTube proved it impacts what movies you watched, and what stuff you bought. For the life of me I can’t figure out why YouTube isn’t blinding client data and sharing the crap out of these studies. Data and ROI studies sell better than sales people.

On an unrelated note, here are Scott Monty’s predictions for 2010 (he predicted that online video would grow in 2009, so you gotta give him some props, right). He also predicted last year that social-media experts would self promote. This year? Power in smaller numbers, local social media, and silent E (e-mail). Mobile’s gonna be hot too.

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  1. “For the life of me I can’t figure out why YouTube isn’t blinding client data and sharing the crap out of these studies. Data and ROI studies sell better than sales people.”

    Why the heck is that?

    Power in smaller numbers – we’ll see – it’s worked in part for the credit card revolt and now the moving to smaller banks – I have more info and opinions on that if anyone is interested.

    Local – If we start having a revolt, local will be very big, but when it comes to media in general… local has always been important. What’s the weather, who’s digging up which street, repairing what highway, fireworks, prison break, big sale, election, no texting… I remember the importance of local as far back as the 90s when clear channel started buying everything.

    e-mail – bah! it’s up, but we are reading less and deleting more and unless the subject is from something/body/place you subed to and it says free, win or save big in the subject, it’s being accepted, but deleted before read.

    “mobile’s gonna be hot”
    less you’re in Haiti, how hard was that one to figure?

    everything he said is a safe bet – not much in the way of prediction.

    How’s this – the dollar will collapse, people will refuse to pay taxes – the underground economy will triple and states will start to consider breaking up into nation state, meanwhile, women will buy bigger boobs in record numbers before superflous cosmetic surgery insurance goes though the roof.

    NOW THAT’S a prediction!

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