YouTube NextUp Winners
Congrats to the YouTube “NextUp” Winners (source). Check out the NextUp winner playlist here. Hey Matt Koval won. Cool.
Congrats to the YouTube “NextUp” Winners (source). Check out the NextUp winner playlist here. Hey Matt Koval won. Cool.
Say what you will about this vulgar vlogger, the kids find him funny (see stats in chart below). I ran into him while discovering that my “accident face” video ranked high in most-popular comedy. I’ll now coin this RKV: road-kill viewing. You may wish you weren’t watching, but you know you can’t not watch it….
There was enough stupid ass YouTube news to warrant a post. Where to begin? Oh- NSFW. STARBUCKS FIRES DOUCHE-BARISTA TOO LAZY TO QUIT How about Christopher Cristwell getting fired for a YouTube song? Oh, yeah… the barista was wearing his uniform and bemoaning his job at Starbucks. So we’ll put that into the “too much of…
So it’s this Woodstock of social media, with web-only attendance. Yeah I think I’ve got that right… Steve Garfield, our favorite, provides us with some actionable tips courtesy of CedarStage Marketing. Garfield, videoblogging pioneer and author of Get Seen, promised numerous tips for putting videos online, and he “did not disappoint.” He emphasized that you don’t…
Spring (via video)
Prompted by Google’s statement that YouTube vows “quicker, tougher copyright enforcement,” ReelSEO’s Grant Crowell tackled this issue on a listenable podcast titled “YouTube Copyright Tips,” with the help of David Michail and Daliah Saper (check 5-minute mark of this video to hear Saper’s illuminating story about what I’ll call a “social-media impaired judge”). Crowell’s got a…
Which online-video site is mostly likely to be part of the bridge between television and the Internet? You can fault the model, and question it’s sustainability. But Yahoo TV is well poised to leverage its partnerships with Verizon and TiVo to start serving its bite-sized video content via television sets equipped with broadband boxes. Take,…
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Ahh I wrote a whole long comment. Where’d it go?
Bah okay that one posted. I’ll try once more……
I put together a chart of the semi-finalists and winners over at SocialBlade. Click my name in the comment since maybe it was the link itself in here that stopped my comment from posting.. anyway..
5 of the 25 winners had over 100k subs. 8 had over 50k. 10 were in the top 25 and only 4 had less then me.
My last comment was better but damn you wordpress for not accepting it!
I really don’t like hurting people’s feelings, but isn’t this hashing rehashed browns?
which reminds me of a story – anyone want to hear it?
ITMT I’m going to keep assembling a cult.
Hey Kevin check your e-mail
no comment 😉
Kevin Check his email? HA!
Hey thanks Kevin. Jischinger, if you mean “rehashed” as in who was selected, there was actually a lot of new blood chosen. I feel like the veteran of the group.