YouTube Hack: Watching Blocked Videos

YouTube HackJischinger has identified one way of watching blocked YouTube videos (assuming they block only the standard URL). This may not work for everyone, and your last resort is a free “virtual tunnel.” I have used vtunnel before but it requires a major virus wipe after a few sessions. It’s not a safe way to surf.

To watch blocked YouTube videos, simply grab the alpha numeric code from the URL (starting after the = sign) and paste it after this URL:

Got it? It gives you a full screen image. Example:

Change this:

To this:

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  1. What is this shit “this video is not available in your country”????? I’ve never seen THAT one before.

    I tried the link but couldn’t get it to work.

  2. I tried both links as well, and neither worked. The first one said “This video is not available in your country” , and like sukatra said, I have never seen that one before. The second link said “This video is no longer available”. So I guess your little secret doesn’t work after all.

  3. An alternative to this that I just recently came to know of is Youtube Mirror which does the exact same thing, a bonus is being able to download the video itself. Pretty sweet and reliable if you ask me! Because afaik, this trick don’t work no more, which is quite sad.


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