
YouTube Critic Site More Popular Than Community Site?


Well Vloggerheads.com got off to a good start — with 2000 users, 8000 videos and good launch press, but it seems the Renetto-inspired site is is now falling on the charts (see source) behind UTubeDrama, a blog by anonymous critics. In fact, this source shows the third highest source for traffic for Vloggerheads as UTubeDrama.

I must hate you because I love you.

Still, Alexa shows Vloggerheads.com with a site ranking of 156K, which is higher than this blog. And someone at Vloggerheads decided to “spotlight” the post comparing Vloggerheads to UTubeDrama (sourced to Compete.com by JaxCAST), so the site hasn’t lost its self-deprecating humor.

I gotta give it to Paul et al for persistence. Paul’s nearly 96 videos on Vloggerheads have a collective view count of less than one single video he posted on YouTube (where he saves Starbucks from a drunk guy with pants down to his feet… the drunk guy had his pants down, that is).

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  1. Kevin,

    First off, hope you’re feeling better.

    This UTubeDrama numbers thing is funny. As you point out, the highly credible folks at Alexa have VloggerHeads doing very nicely at 156,168, and our good friends at GoogleAnalytics give us daily numbers that make a mockery of the Compete results.

    As for our persistence, the reason is simple. There are amazingly talented, interesting people in the VloggerHeads community, having a great time on a daily basis. Stacked up against anonymous views, Paul and many others of us will choose that any day.

    Get well soon.


  2. I’ve never been so pleased to be actively involved on a website like I am with VH. With a few bumps in the road (and some hills LOL)…it’s still an excellent site. I haven’t been back to YT in months. the people I’ve met on VH are amazing.
    MDJ…ahem sir!

    VH actually broke me of my Nalts addiction. Can ya believe it?
    I feel really unloyal right now…LOL *hides head in shame*

  3. As one of the many folks who play in Vloggerheads land everyday all I can say is I am bais and in love with this vlog-hub. I believe if you watch a bit you can get drawn in. YT was that way with me at first as well. The speed at which the conversation Wave rolls on the main page at Vloggerheads keeps all who are ready to surf happy. After which you can just scroll through folks older video’s and see old drama as well as old interesting and thought provoking vlogs. It is almost break to visit YT and not worry about missing a conversation. The draw back is if I miss a day or two without checking in I feel a bit behind but I’m learning to let go of the need to know what is going on and just enjoy. I can say for me it is almost a vlog crack land and I just can’t seem to get enough. There will be many who will suggest in the future 12 steps will be needed to bring me back to earth. I on the other hand will suggest I am only enjoying the earth and it’s many characters even more so. My point? I’m not really listening to the judgments but gladly contribute and hope the best and will always suggest ways to make it better. Come take a look. ~sst

  4. Main Entry: ob·jec·tive
    Pronunciation: \əb-ˈjek-tiv, äb-\
    Function: adjective
    Date: 1647
    1 a: relating to or existing as an object of thought without consideration of independent existence —used chiefly in medieval philosophy b: of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers : having reality independent of the mind — compare subjective 3a cof a symptom of disease : perceptible to persons other than the affected individual — compare subjective 4c d: involving or deriving from sense perception or experience with actual objects, conditions, or phenomena
    2: relating to, characteristic of, or constituting the case of words that follow prepositions or transitive verbs
    3 a: expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations bof a test : limited to choices of fixed alternatives and reducing subjective factors to a minimum
    synonyms see material, fair
    — ob·jec·tive·ly adverb
    — ob·jec·tive·ness noun
    — ob·jec·tiv·i·ty \äb-jek-ti-v-tē, b-\ noun

  5. Hmmm… VloggerHeads is more popular than this blog? Well, maybe you should come over and join us in the vloggerhood more often. It might help you with your numbers ;^)

  6. Hi Nalts – you’re right about the humor, allright! – we’re all having so much fun on Vloggerheads that we pay little attention to the critics! 🙂

    Check Alexa – we BLOW AWAY utubedrama!

    But I like that they send us a load of traffic – THANKS!!

    Steady as she goes, Admiral Tom and Captain Renetto 🙂

  7. GMT – Being objective…just don’t think it’s possible for me. I gave my thoughts.
    I used to visit UTDrama and really believe Trevor needs to work on it A LOT. the news reporting is horrible…the site layout is horrible.
    He hadn’t updated the site in ages (as of the last time I checked) and the updates were horrible.
    I can’t be bothered going to UTDrama anymore. It used to be entertaining…now it’s good to read before going to bed.

  8. I think the beauty is that it isn’t about the ratings – and you have vloggers and artists who just want to share despite the stars.

    There are people I miss at YT – but my friends are still my friends and when it come to posting or watching, well this is a more rational place for me to be.

    Now I realize that “rational” and “online vlogging”
    may be an oxymoron, but such is life. ~Heidi

  9. WHOAH this is weird. I saw a video from someone making you balloons because you were receiving a spine transplant? I hope you are ok!!!

    As for your post, I don’t know what to say… numbers aren’t part of the importance in our vlogosphere known as vloggerheads. But regardless of all that, I am happy that I was able to tell you best of wishes and I hope you recover well.

  10. Youtube equals video library .

    Vloggerheads equals true social networking.

    I have loved youtube for over 2 years, but vloggerheads cant be beat

    when it comes to talent, friendship,community, and a sense of belonging.

    The number of people and videos does not make a vlog site great.

    Its all about quality and vloggerheads rises above the rest.

    Any one who loves great vloggers should start an account there.

  11. Ditto to what Mysti says above… I hope your family is well and your recovery speedy!

  12. I’ll add to what Johnlwright above says by saying that what I find at Vloggerheads is a shift in idea of “why” from one of hits, views and popularity to “experience” and “interaction”.
    It is hard at first to let go of these ideas as they’ve been ingrained via YT for me in how I perceive my experience or success. Letting go of that and just chatting it up or creating for the sake of creating brings with it a since of freedom and the feeling of being part of a bigger piece of art.

  13. Rate .. Comment…Subscribe… sub4sub…

    Those are all Youtube terms..because.. Yt is all about numbers.

    vloggerheads is more about community interaction.

    (if i wanted numbers I’d have a threesome with 2 math teachers)

  14. Well you know how the old saying* goes… Renetto Works In Mysterious Ways, Tom even moreso.

    I don’t know if my experience is representative but I had genuinely forgotten Vloggerheads existed despite having an account there myself. Of course I made the mistake of tweeting this realisation. The next reply I got was from Tom. lol.

    * May not be an old saying.

  15. LOL John you’re a trip!
    Heidi is procrastinating again.

    A spine transplant?? um…*going to check YT*
    It’s been 3 long months…

  16. marquisdejolie, I promised my wife I will not drink the Kool-Aid and will run into the forest at the first sign of folks mixing it.

  17. Renetto posted a blog on Vloggerheads for ALL users to come here and make comments so you can see just by the low number of Vloggerheads commenters/supporters that it is falling apart by the minute. I recently had an account up until yesterday. They tell you one of there big rules is to NOT engage the offending person but use the “report abuse” link and in my case that is what I did after I had been stalked and harassed by another user, he was plastering videos everywhere showing my picture portraying me as a serial killer and attaching offensive harassing videos to mine following me from page to page to page stalking me CLEARLY online harassment. Well guess what? NOTHING WAS EVER DONE ABOUT THE HARASSMENT SO EVERY 24 HOURS I FILED AN ABUSE REPORT. Then Paul BANNED ME claiming that I filed to many abuse reports!!! And he let the harassing abuser continue on to another target to attack which was the user Mandocello. Well he couldnt ban Mandocello like he did me without a big fuss so finally he did ban the offensive, stalking user that was harassing me but I AM STILL BANNED. If that isnt all backwards and makes NO sense at all I do not know what is. That is the problem with Vloggerheads is that the rules are all made up as they go along and if you stand up and have a voice of your own they do NOT want you there. They want puppets that sing and dance for Paul and anything more you will eventually be banned as so many people have been including myself. You really have to wonder about a website that invites Casey Nunez to come back after banning him and he tells them to go to hell! That speaks very loudly and after seeing that happen I decided to check out Vloggerheads for myself. All of the videos that are spread out around the internet of Paul and Tom claiming how wonderful Vloggerheads is and how it is so different and you can vlog without fear of being harassed and attacked, well those ARE ALL JUST LIES! That is NOT true. After I made a few vlogging videos and was doing my best to fit in I was attacked by the user MrDoodyhead (Yes the same MrDoodyhead that called ReallyRick a FAGGOT AND NOTHING WAS DONE ABOUT IT) and the user Zen Archer as Zen held the position of “channel moderator coordinator” and what Zen and THE REST OF THE MODERATORS DID AND STILL DO is they see every piece of information, abuse reports and they have access to private messages and other information on users, well they start files on users not unlike J.Edgar Hoover and the FBI and so what Zen did is he took personal information from that file and made an attack video against me personally because I STOOD UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT and PUBLICLY COMMENTED JUST HOW WRONG THAT IT WAS FOR HIM TO BE SUPPORTING AND ENCOURAGING MrDoodyhead as MrDoodyhead verbally attacked and abused elderly females and other women and people that are on medication and maybe just a bit slower than average. Allot of people rightfully so closed there accounts and left Vloggerheads because MrDoodyhead and Zen Archer were allowed to attack and belittle and abuse various users. MrDoodyhead being the attacker and Zen being the back slapper encourager so to SILENCE me they BANNED MY account, They banned me yesterday at about 6:00PM then UNBANNED MY ACCOUNT AT 11:00PM UNTIL 5:00AM THEN THEY REBANNED ME between that time I made NO comments no videos NOTHING! Its like some sick twisted psychological game to inflict some type of distress upon me, just for me speaking out for what is RIGHT. WATCH THE VIDEOS FOR YOURSELF! I have many saved screen shots of many, many messages and information and I plan on making many,many,many videos so that hopefully I can save someone from falling into the trap that is Vloggerheads and having to go through the harassment and all of the other horrible things that I have endured while trying to participate and be a part of the Vloggerheads website. It got me NOTHING but anguish and misery and frustration. Sure Zen Archer is NO LONGER a channel moderator and MrDoodyhead had been banned, he was banned AFTER they banned me, Yes I know it is hard to believe but its true. I am being retaliated against for standing up for what is right and I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE MAKE COPIES OF THE 2 VIDEOS AND POST THEM EVERYWHERE AND ANYWHERE AND HELP TO GET THE WORD OUT ABOUT WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON INSIDE OF VLOGGERHEADS HOPEFULLY IT WILL SAVE SOMEONE FROM BECOMING A VICTIM OF THIS SICK AND TWISTED WEBSITE
    Standing up for what is right can sometimes be a very lonely place but in the end it is the BEST place to be…Here is the link to Zens video attacking me and also my response video.



  18. Haven’t joined, but have been watching regularly since they opened the door to lurkers. Great site – very interactive. Wouldn’t happen on YouTube!

  19. ahhhhhh shit! no you’ve done it!!! you’ve started the biggest internet war in history!!! Vloggerheads Vs. Nalts Vs. Trevor!!!
    the fur will fly!!!!!!

  20. Kevin do this more often

    FYI – sophisticated WVFF regulars will know which posts on this thread are genuine and who’s being pawned, so don’t go clicking links in this thread unless you’re prepared to suffer the consequences.


    and to Mr. Wannabe, stop hiding behind a proxy, the only thing you demonstrate to the reader is how lonely and pathetic you truly are. Grow up, be a man or get some help.

  21. Holy shit! How did all these vloggerheads find this blog? I know Paul googles his own name every 5 minutes, but how did the rest of you get over here?

    Here are some little tip for you on how to comment here.

    1. On this blog we don’t comment on what Kevin writes… we just tend to talk about our morning poop. Not poop as in our morning events, rather our poop as in the dump we just took in the toilet this morning.

    2. You better watch your spelling or Marilyn will hunt you down and beat you like a red headed stepchild.

    3. On this blog Sukatra is GOD! Worship her NOW!!!

    4. If you get out of line we will sick our guard dog marquisdejolie on you. He has rabies and he bites. We will sit back and enjoy the show.

    5. If you’re a guy JimmerSD, Zack Scott, DahliaK, Somecallmejim, xjasongarciax, Reubnick, and jischinger will be trying to touch you in your naughty place so don’t give them any personal information. It’s bad enough that they are molesting you through your computer screen.

    6. If you’re a female… send Kevin your picture and he will post it in a blog. Everyone will be happy to give you feedback on your boobs, hair, and clothing style. If you don’t believe me just ask Daisy Whitney. BTW… she totally wants to do me.

    7. As for Peter Coffin… well… that sick bastard just has issues.

    I’m glad I could be of help. If you decide not to listen to my warnings I will have no sympathy for you. If you send me an emo email crying about how they hurt your feelings I will reply with a simple “SUCK IT YOU EMO BITCH!!! YOU WERE WARNED!!!”

    P.S. Renetto is a dirty whore.

  22. In my extremely biased opinion, VloggerHeads is the best community on the Internet. You won’t find a better group of talented, inspiring vloggers anywhere else.

    VloggerHeads is THE place to be.

  23. @Renetto – There is plenty of demand and plenty of people, the problem is you have to have qualified people in the places of moderators and admin. A website cannot run itself and picking people to run it out of friendship rather than qualification is a bad business model and websites are “serious” business. I can not believe that you actually banned me, what a stupid, stupid move on your part, to ban one of the people that really did want for Vloggerheads to be a success. It does not surprise me though after seeing everything else that went on why should that make any sense? Can you tell me what the reason was? I have an official message from a moderator telling me that I was banned for reporting abuse from MrDoodyHead… That makes sense right? tell a guy to do just that and then ban him for it… Its a perfect example of why Vloggerheads has been and is a complete failure. that is NOT how you manage a social networking website. I resent being referred to as “guinea pigs” as well but it clearly shows how you really feel and the total lack of respect that you have for the people that did try and help you. I am very ashamed for you Paul to have acted out in that way. And for you to ban my account at about 6:00PM and then unban my account at 11:00PM and then reban my account at 5:00AM just shows how ass backwards everything is and the total lack of sensitivity for the average user. My account NEVER should have been banned to begin with, you know and I know that it is in retaliation for pointing out the obvious but in the end Paul who is it going to be that suffers? the good people that are at Vloggerheads, that is who and it is abundantly clear that you really dont care. If it cannot be made into a money generating machine as you wanted it to be then the hell with it and the hell with all of the “guinea pigs who participated in the experiment” Really Paul you should donate your computer to the goodwill and take up a new hobby because this one does not seem to be working out for you to well. You have a handful of puppet type followers on Vloggerheads that wait for your next video or your next assignment to them and you really need to let those poor people be and stop with all the psychological manipulation, its as if you relish in the fact that there are people that really do care and yet in return they just get shit on by you just like you have done to me Paul. I have never even called you out of your name and I have always showed you respect and look at how you have treated me in return. Are you happy with yourself Paul? Can you go look yourself in the mirror and look into your own eyes and be OK with what you see? Does it make you feel good knowing what you have done to me Paul? Those videos that you made swearing at Steve Chen and Chad Hurley well I feel the same way about you Paul, at least they didnt totally shit on you and pull your account EVEN WHEN THEY SHOULD HAVE! so how can you ever think of yourself as any better Paul? if anything you are worse than they are for what you have done. At least Argent009 had the decency to let me know that it was you who was the one that has everything ALL fucked up on Vloggerheads so you have no one else to blame but yourself Paul. When it is so EASY to run a website, the reason that it is so difficult for you and Tom and the others is because you have no idea what you are doing, that does NOT mean that it can not be done all it means is the you can not do it. All you need is people like myself and like Argent009 that have some experience in running websites, not picking people based on the politic beliefs or out of friendships, that is where you have went way wrong Paul and for you doing that Vloggerheads is a failure. Are you man enough to admit when you are wrong Paul? Like for what you have done to me, are you man enough to admit that you have made mistakes in the way that you have interacted with me after I have shown you nothing but the upmost of respect for years now Paul and then look at how you have treated me in return when you could have made that lunatic stop harassing me and that would have been the end of it, it is you Paul for NOT doing ANYTHING when I first asked you to PLEASE make him stop, it is you that created that mess by YOUR INACTION. And then for you to ban me is just way disrespectful towards me Paul when you know just exactly how I feel how/why would you even do that? I dont understand why you would do that to me Paul when it is crystal clear that I was right and he was wrong, why did you sit back and just DO NOTHING for so long and just watch as restlessturtle was attacked by him day after day until she was run off? Why did you just watch as that was going on and do NOTHING about it? All the other women he attacked and abused while YOU DID NOTHING… You are responsible for all of it Paul and then you ban me… Wow… I will tell you this Paul I make a much better friend than an adversary, just ask Zen Archer… I really thought that you were different Paul or I had hoped in the back of my mind that you were but I am very saddened and disappointed to have to face up to the fact that you really are not that good stand up guy that I once thought that you were. I hope that what you have done to me makes you feel better Paul…

  24. @36
    hm, I should actually interact instead of just posting my comment, then reading the emails I get of what y’all are saying. I was sad that I wasn’t mentioned.

    also, because I’m atheist, and I don’t believe in a god, there is no sukatra, since sukatra is y’alls god, and I don’t believe in god. Therefore, there is no sukatra in my belief.

    wtf, vloggerheads? I expected there to be 3 comments at most before I came here!

  25. @42 d00d, Renetto isn’t here – you’ve been pawned by a wannabe – heal buddy – btw none of your links work

    @43 expect more, make her apologize to you for the infraction by dedicating a video to you in your honor, it’s the only way the Gods you don’t believe in will be happy.

  26. Just one more thing I forgot to say…

    @Renetto – There is plenty of demand and plenty of people, the problem is you have to have qualified people in the places of moderators and admin. A website cannot run itself and picking people to run it out of friendship rather than qualification is a bad business model and websites are “serious” business. I can not believe that you actually banned me, what a stupid, stupid move on your part, to ban one of the people that really did want for Vloggerheads to be a success. It does not surprise me though after seeing everything else that went on why should that make any sense? Can you tell me what the reason was? I have an official message from a moderator telling me that I was banned for reporting abuse from MrDoodyHead… That makes sense right? tell a guy to do just that and then ban him for it… Its a perfect example of why Vloggerheads has been and is a complete failure. that is NOT how you manage a social networking website. I resent being referred to as “guinea pigs” as well but it clearly shows how you really feel and the total lack of respect that you have for the people that did try and help you. I am very ashamed for you Paul to have acted out in that way. And for you to ban my account at about 6:00PM and then unban my account at 11:00PM and then reban my account at 5:00AM just shows how ass backwards everything is and the total lack of sensitivity for the average user. My account NEVER should have been banned to begin with, you know and I know that it is in retaliation for pointing out the obvious but in the end Paul who is it going to be that suffers? the good people that are at Vloggerheads, that is who and it is abundantly clear that you really dont care. If it cannot be made into a money generating machine as you wanted it to be then the hell with it and the hell with all of the “guinea pigs who participated in the experiment” Really Paul you should donate your computer to the goodwill and take up a new hobby because this one does not seem to be working out for you to well. You have a handful of puppet type followers on Vloggerheads that wait for your next video or your next assignment to them and you really need to let those poor people be and stop with all the psychological manipulation, its as if you relish in the fact that there are people that really do care and yet in return they just get shit on by you just like you have done to me Paul. I have never even called you out of your name and I have always showed you respect and look at how you have treated me in return. Are you happy with yourself Paul? Can you go look yourself in the mirror and look into your own eyes and be OK with what you see? Does it make you feel good knowing what you have done to me Paul? Those videos that you made swearing at Steve Chen and Chad Hurley well I feel the same way about you Paul, at least they didnt totally shit on you and pull your account EVEN WHEN THEY SHOULD HAVE! so how can you ever think of yourself as any better Paul? if anything you are worse than they are for what you have done. At least Argent009 had the decency to let me know that it was you who was the one that has everything ALL fucked up on Vloggerheads so you have no one else to blame but yourself Paul. When it is so EASY to run a website, the reason that it is so difficult for you and Tom and the others is because you have no idea what you are doing, that does NOT mean that it can not be done all it means is the you can not do it. All you need is people like myself and like Argent009 that have some experience in running websites, not picking people based on the politic beliefs or out of friendships, that is where you have went way wrong Paul and for you doing that Vloggerheads is a failure. Are you man enough to admit when you are wrong Paul? Like for what you have done to me, are you man enough to admit that you have made mistakes in the way that you have interacted with me after I have shown you nothing but the upmost of respect for years now Paul and then look at how you have treated me in return when you could have made that lunatic stop harassing me and that would have been the end of it, it is you Paul for NOT doing ANYTHING when I first asked you to PLEASE make him stop, it is you that created that mess by YOUR INACTION. And then for you to ban me is just way disrespectful towards me Paul when you know just exactly how I feel how/why would you even do that? I dont understand why you would do that to me Paul when it is crystal clear that I was right and he was wrong, why did you sit back and just DO NOTHING for so long and just watch as restlessturtle was attacked by him day after day until she was run off? Why did you just watch as that was going on and do NOTHING about it? All the other women he attacked and abused while YOU DID NOTHING… You are responsible for all of it Paul and then you ban me… Wow… I will tell you this Paul I make a much better friend than an adversary, just ask Zen Archer… I really thought that you were different Paul or I had hoped in the back of my mind that you were but I am very saddened and disappointed to have to face up to the fact that you really are not that good stand up guy that I once thought that you were. I hope that what you have done to me makes you feel better Paul…


    34. Renetto – January 9, 2009

    Tom and I have decided to end VloggerHeads by the end of this month. It was fun while it lasted, but the numbers are just not there with the ratio of page views we get on Alexa.

    Tom didn’t want to tell any of you on VH, so I am publicly making the statement here myself. The Ning platform was nice, but the subscription feature that was missing was the reason why many left in the first place.

    We will be putting VloggerHeads up on eBay next week. All of the eBay money raised will be given back to Tom who wasted many dollars on the site. I myself will not see a dime of this money so utubedrama cannot call me an ebeggar.

    Thank you to all guinea pigs who participated in the experiment and to know that there are still people out there who love to vlog but it just is not enough demand out there to start an alternative vlogging network.

  28. @44

    oh, darn, I make the baby jesus that died just under 2000 years ago cry, too bad.


  29. @50
    You may not believe in heaven, brindle, but I KNOW hell exists and it’s run by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

    Vloggerheads is irrelevant to my needs, wants and desires so I have no dog in this fight.

  30. More like “Baldheads”, instead of Vloggerheads! HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Get it? I said that because everybody on that website looks like Mikma, and ALL OF THEM ARE BALD! I’m too much.

  31. My Vloggerheads experience video is here -> -http://blip.tv/file/1653667 be sure and read the description…

  32. Look E. Hero you got a beef with Renetto – fine, but to be brutally honest; I’m gonna guess and wager it’s a good one, no one here gives a shit!

    What pisses me off is you flooded this blog with tons of crap; which will probably be deleted, took on the roll of a perverted pornographic poser and insulted the host and his family because you got issues that mean nothing compared to the troubles in the world. You dragged your ass across the face of this blog like a dog with worms on a rug.

    Let me give you a little piece of advice and you can shit on it, as your custom, if you want.

    What you should have done is posted, “I hate Renetto and here’s why!” and then been on your merry way, OR engage in like banter traditional to the natives.

    What you’ve accomplished, however, was to prove you’re a liar and cheat thus, abolishing all possible credibility on your part, you made Renetto look like the good guy, and on top of all that, ya promoted his site!

    Well, good for you, I hope you’re proud!
    now please, shoo!

  33. @52
    “Lord of The Baldheaded Mikma Clones”: a treatise discussing how culture created by man always fails, especially when predicated upon the false notion that technology is egalitarian and trustworthy, by Jolie Blond.

  34. Who are all of you and why have you taken over our nice little blog?

    BTW, long posts are only allowed if you name is jischinger.

  35. @6: I’m the only one around here that is allowed to teach the intricacies of the English language to this rowdy bunch.

    Oh, and brindle: I am also an atheist, yet I still believe in sukatra almighty.

  36. OMG! Nutcheese…touch my nipple please. This blog is making me have an anxiety attack!

    Sukatra…curse one of these newbies out please!

    MDJ…how you’re momma? =)

    @57 Ditto!

  37. Oh goody, drama.

    The problem with haters is that they claim they “just want to be treated fairly”, but they don’t act out in a fair manner. They pretend to be other legitimate users. They misbehave. The bottom line is if they were willing to act like the rest of the adults in society, they’d be treated like adults.

    If you want to be a jerk, that’s fine. Frankly, I enjoy reading the stuff at critic/hate sites-it amuses me to no end. But be a man, don’t hide behind anonymous usernames or imitate other respected users. Stand behind your comments. Be a real live grownup.

    Ah, who am I kidding? By just asking these guys to act like adults, I guarantee you half a dozen of ’em or more will act up just to be funny.

    Hey Jan, shoot me a message by email, or at the forums. I have a question I can’t ask in public.

  38. Ugh. Too many words…

    It’s simple really:

    Nobody likes Renetto

    Everybody likes Nalts

    YouTube is still cool

    Vloggerheads is gay

  39. So, are we famous now or what?

    And is E. Hero any relation to Ann Hero? Just curious.

    And to the nitwit … above me. YouTube is cool? No shit… Really? You actually believe that? Wild man, where can I get some of what the hell you’re smoking?

  40. Hey, it’s still cool to us nitwits. And we make up 99% of the world. Not everyone can be a part of teh internet intelligentsia like you amazing people.

  41. It’s simple really:

    Nobody likes Renetto

    Everybody likes Nalts

    YouTube is still cool

    Vloggerheads is gay

    Absolutely agree 🙂

  42. @59
    Momma’s not drinking, drugging, stabbing me in the back, setting anything on fire, poisoning the dog or hallucinating about Lewanda. And my sister’s passed out in her trailer with her car broke down out in the piney woods. It’s a good day, jason.

  43. sukatra, you’re absolutely somber in comparison to some of these posters! LOL

    YouTube is a site. Vloggerheads is a site. They’re both just a collection of 1’s and 0’s, organized in such a way that clever individuals can leverage them for whatever purposes they desire. The sites in themselves don’t make them worth going to. In each case, it’s the people at the sites.

    Vloggerheads has fewer people. The result is that you can share your thoughts with a more intimate crowd, and get to know those in the online community as a whole better.

    Youtube is a widely popular site. Simply stated, if you want your videos to have the broadest possible market you need to put them on YouTube.

    Each site is a great site in it’s own respects. The structure of YouTube was never meant to specifically be a vlogging site. Vloggerheads appeals to a niche market. People need to stop saying one site is any better than the other. It’s apples to oranges. Okay, maybe apples to pears, but they’re still plenty different. Just remember: Everybody’s different. No two people are not on fire. (click)

  44. Vloggerheads really failed to deliver on all its election promises, it ended up as a haven for ever permabanned Youtube “Hater” TROLL, stalker, predator & harassment monger and the admins danced to their tunes, played along with their “Flagging” games and effectively ended up do this to the detriment of the very individuals who were brave enough to stand up to these cyber-terrorists and tackle them head-on

    It is a great shame because I really wanted it to succeed, even though I’m synical about the term “Community” when used in an online, social media context , I believe it to be oxymoronic and a naive underestimation of the solitary pursuit that Vlogging is, not to mention the inherrent selfishness of human nature

    Fair enough it was a much more personal and intimate place to have online dialogue than a mass market media platform such as youtube, but given that it became the playground of hatemongers & trolls that intimacy only served to MAGNIFY the power of their hate

    It seems as if with the best intentions in the world some disgruntled Youtubers set out to reinventthe wheel, what they ended up with was a less rounded wheel

  45. What The Hell is going on in this comments section ?!

    This comments section reads like unhealthy name calling rather than debate.

    Why? Drama-makers from YouTube, who couldn’t penetrate the vloggerheads community with their bullcrap are pissed and blame VH, when maybe the problem is just the desire for Drama and pain.

    Sure Vloggerheads resorts to this kind of dialogue occasionaly, but the community is generally fairly healthy

    They can barely spell community over at YouTube if you look a lot of the comments left on videos.

    Listen, as toy you’re original blog mate. They are very different sites, and really difficult to compare for that reason. In its current state on the Ning platform i do think Vloggerheads is limited, but what it offers is very appealing to many people, as a few of my VH colleagues have mentioned. COMMUNITY is what its all about. As it has only two one navigation pages for videos, as the community grows it will become almost impossible to keep up with all the vlogs, so you will keep an eye out for names you know, and stick to mostly their videos, discerning those not watched to leave, thus growth may stagnate. But the concept and the community have me a loyal lifer over at VH.

    The only real problem I see is in keeping the site open we get known haters there, who cause drama but can not be disciplined unless they break certain rules, and while they craftily sidestep those rules people get hurt. So rather than risking coming off as unfair they let them continue to cause pain and end up risking, and losing multiple members, when if they took the initial risk of ‘playing god’ so to speak. They would have only lost the 1 troublemaker.

    You know when I first looked at the comment section and saw the essay replies I thought it was ridiculous, But i have proved myself to be quite Hypocritical.

    lol, I Truly am a Vloggerhead

  46. @36- Nutcheese- reading your list of the WVFF ground rules CRACKS me up. My favorite- we don’t read or care about what Kevin says. THat must TOTALLY perplex infrequent visitors. Let’s see- Kevin is talking about the new models of advertising in 2010. The comments are about whether Renetto or Trevor could win a wedgie contest. Not getting it.

  47. I’m probably one of the few VH members commenting here who actually reads this blog (via RSS feed) on a regular basis. I’ve never read the comments section, though (doesn’t show up on my reader).

    So I’m chiming in here because it’s hard to believe intelligent folks still see the word “community” as having the same meaning online as it does offline. It obviously contains different elements. It’s merely referred to as the feeling or the atmosphere of an online “place”. It’s a micro-culture you feel a part of for whatever reason- nothing more, nothing less. It’s also what you make of it and can, indeed, spill into your offline community (in the traditional sense) as it has my own.

    As for comparing YouTube with Vloggerheads- that, too, is ridiculous to me. I’m a member of both, and both fill different needs for me and they do it well. They both have upsides and downsides to them but they’re different in this respect: one is the oldest and biggest show while the other is the beginning of something new, entirely. I’m not active at YT because all the ads there kill the buzz. That’s about it.

    I see VH as the first of many video-sharing sites that have and will continue to pop up that are striving to be specialized in some way. I’m glad to be a part of what I see is a newly-dynamic landscape.

    Vloggerheads are home-grown video makers, nothing more than that. Even the admin are video-makers. THAT is the appeal for me and for a lot of others. You can’t say that’s the case for YouTube.

    I don’t feel a need to say one is better than the other, though (even though I help to moderate VH). Some are city-folk, some are not, but that doesn’t make the city any less useful or exciting to me.

    I can see how VH feels clique-ish or scary to new members because we’re all playing around with one another (much like the usual members of this board are doing, playfully treating the first-timers as “outsiders” who don’t know the rules or the players) but some VH newbies manage to jump right into the mix and they’re welcomed for it.

    And if some kind of drama flares up, it’s easy to assume whatever’s happening on the front page is the norm. That kind of stuff lasts for about two days. That’s it… The community there has a way of leveling things out using humor or disregard. Da Vloggerhood goes on as usual.

    But again, it’s not like it’s better. It’s just different and it suits MY individual needs more than it does the other large video-sharing sites.

    That’s about it, but thanks for reading my long-ass comment, which apparently the micro-community here at this commenting section frowns upon. Oh, well- it’s official. I suck. ;o) You guys probably don’t like emoticons, either…:oP

  48. @ 74 Syd… you don’t read the comments?!?! You got it backwards… most of us don’t read the blog. In fact I didn’t even bother to read this blog entry, but I’ve commented a few times.

    It’s time we get back to basics here. Let me review. I explained it in my comment #36. “Rule # 1- On this blog we don’t comment on what Kevin writes… we just tend to talk about our morning poop. Not poop as in our morning events, rather our poop as in the dump we just took in the toilet this morning.”

    Let me get things back on track for you all. I just took a lovely shit. The fiber in my diet is just right and so there was almost no pushing involved. My colon is feeling great right about now. (I’m kind of bragging here because I know Kevin is having a tough time shitting since he’s on all those pain pills)

  49. @ 74,36 Ah, thanks for the clarity, NutCheese. “Talkin’ shit”- that’s like, a literal thing here. Got it. Glad everything’s comin’ out okay.

  50. WTF? All my Vloggerheads friends discover this little corner of the internet when I’m not paying attention. 😛

    Glad to see you back at it Kevin

  51. Oh, and like I said before, only jischinger is allowed long posts.

    Everyone else should keep to 50 words or less.

    No one here reads what Kevin writes, and most of us won’t read long comments.

    And don’t even THINK about misspelling anything, or using poor grammar; I have this thing with the English language. I like to use it correctly.

  52. @81 No worries. I’m an englush teecher.

    Note to self:
    1. comments here are full of shit
    2. it’s like twitter, only longer and there’s a grammar cop


  53. s/englush/english/

    There’s actually two. Though, I’m what’s called a grammar nazi.

    Also, Marilyn, wouldn’t it be improper grammar? Not poor grammar? Or is my grade in English showing?

  54. Someone put E-Hero out of his/her misery! You absolutely must be a tweaker to ramble on the way you do!

    @Kevin get well, and use Ducolate when using Vicoden (which causes constipation), then you will be happy and move your bowels!

  55. @89 (and everybody else):

    Here you call me the Spelling Nazi. At work I am called the “Word Nerd”. I started a Word of the Day mailing list at work because I found my co-workers vocabulary lacking. Today’s word was “schadenfreude” (in case you don’t know, that means “satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else’s misfortune”). I mentioned that is was German, derived from the words “Schaden” for “harm” and “Freude” for “joy”. I then received an email from one of the many people on the list with a sense of humor, who replied:

    Origin: 2009

    Thought you might find that interesting.

  56. @90
    What’s that mailing list? I’d like to join because I would like my vocabulary increased for the SAT (which I’m taking in 2 months, woohoo!)
    Second, I doubt anyone on there has seen Avenue Q?
    “Don’t you feel all warm and cozy, watching people out in the rain?”
    Disclaimer: I may have butchered that, it’s been more than a year since I last heard that song.

  57. @91: I am going to see Avenue Q on the 24th. I am already very familiar with the soundtrack, including Schadenfreude and The Internet is for Porn.

    Also, the mailing list is just for my co-workers right now. And I forgot to mention that my last name is “Case”, which explains the first part of the word my co-worker made up.

  58. @92
    darn, that mailing list could get so much more traffic around SAT season (anytime not summer, peaking for about the week before an SAT test is given).

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