YouTube Cewebrity Dance Off

Leave it to the hyper talented Davideo Designs (see his website at to create this magically delicious “YouTube Celebrity Dance-Off” competition. The poor guy solicited clips from YouTubers, and patienty waited. Finally he decided to go with special effects listed below.

After SMPFilms decided to bust me in his recent video (which will probably be deleted before you see this), I can only celebrate that his face was placed over an older woman. How perfect.

It also features sxephil, charlestrippy, lonelygirl14, geriatric1927, brookers and me.

  • Music is “Flight of the CEEDEE”, from Davideo’s “Ghouls go Wild” performed on his cherished Korg Triton.
  • Visual applications used were Photoshop to prepare assets. After Effect for the compositing. Monet for the motion tracking of heads. Boujou for the 3d tracking of the aeroplane. 3d Max for the Plane render with Afterburn for the Red Arrows style colored smoke trails.
  • Then edited together with a Sony Digital Pictures NLE ala Vegas.
  • Total time to complete according to Davideo= 20 Coffees, 30 cigs, 2 bowls of rice crispies, 2 cakes, 3 pints of water, and no sleep.

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  1. Wow, that was absolutely terrifying, and deeply, DEEPLY disturbing…

    Anyway, quick subject change. I’ve been thinking about doing a parody of the tv show “Cheers”, but instead of a bar, it would take place in the comments section of this website. It’s not going to be a colab (yet), but does anybody have ideas?

    I’m probably going to realize some time in the next hour that it’s a terrible idea, but until then, I am going to run with it.

  2. @4

    I have no idea what you’re talking about, unless you’re slandering this Carla person, in which case I am deeply sorry for Carla. Not. .

    I personally thought that happyslip was the creepiest one, although sxyphil kinda made my skin crawl a little.

  3. I thought they all looked creepy.

    @1: With the Cheers idea, you know how they always yelled “Norm!” when Norm came in? How about everyone yeling anything BUT my correct name (i.e., Maryland, Marlyne, etc.) Just look back through this blog for all the permetations and mispellings.

  4. A great, funny video, with only positive and high ratings on youtube, yet on here apart from Babysitterofnalts…. i think its a case of sour grapes.

  5. @8

    Go back and read the comments on the last years’ worth of nalts blog entries. It ain’t sour grapes.

  6. I liked it! Fun to watch! You looked like a little boy in it Nalts.


    LOL, I’m sure Nalts has a more endearing term for us regulars than sour grapes…Douche Bags comes to mind.


    We all love Nalts and this blog! :o) Well okay, maybe not sukatra! It’s all in fun Observer! ;o)

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