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YouTube as Marketing Channel: Live With Bloomberg

Marketing Consultant Toby Bloomberg (Marketing Diva Blog) is hosting a radio/podcast show on the topic of YouTube as a marketing channel. It’s live tomorrow night (Tuesday, 6:30 PM EST). I’ll be a guest along with Ben Relles, creator of the wildly viral “I Got a Crush on Obama” and Barely Political.

Here are the details:

  • What: YouTube/social networking video sites: Play Toy or Credible Marketing Strategy? Kevin Nalts and Ben Relles join Toby to explore if video networking sites like YouTube can go beyond “cool” to a credible marketing strategy. And by the way, how do you get a video viewed by thousands?
  • When: Tuesday, 2/19/2008 6:30 PM EST
  • Where: (718) 508-9924 (or visit Toby’s channel on BlogTalkRadio, but note this link activates the last show with a preroll audio ad).

Now archived here

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  1. Wow… What a co-inky-dink… I’m actually gonna be giving a talk to a marketing class at New England School of Communications about this very subject tonight…

    Admittedly, I’m nowhere near the authority on the subject that you are, but I do plan to talk about my experiences, and how it’s worked for me up till now — the brand/creator connection sites like XlntAds that keep popping up, being able to expand my network of collaborators and contacts, allowing my work to be seen by more than just the people in my market…

    I’m gonna catch up with the instructor and see if there’s a way for the class to link in to the podcast… How serendipitous!

  2. Thanks for the shout out. I think this will be one of Diva Talks most fun shows!

    Awesome Slater! Check out the tips on Diva Marketing that Nalts put together on how to use video sites as a marketing strategy. Might be helpful for your class.

  3. I’m listening right now. If only I didn’t have so much respect for you. Otherwise I’d call up and ask an entirely inappropriate question.

    P.S. the sound is really bad on this – chopping up.

  4. Nalts, nalts it’s not his fault he’s a social media superhero!

    Ben Relles, you don’t even want to click on my site, as for the box in a box video, well I’m not exactly sure how I feel about that.

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