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YouTube as Marketing Channel (free 30-minute podcast): Nalts and Obama Girl Creator

picture-20.pngHere’s the archive podcast of the Blog Talk Radio show I did with Toby Bloomberg and Ben Relles (read more). Ben’s story about “I Have a Crush on Obama” is always interesting. And maybe you’ll learn a few things about how brands can harness the power of YouTube. Here’s the Diva Marketing Blog description of the show if you want a quick scan.

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  1. Good podcast… Thanks… I’m learning all the time… I just spoke about YouTube last night to a group of marketing students at New England School of Communication… My main points involved, like you said, Kev, getting involved in the community, and reaching out to others who either a) do what you do, or b) need what you have/offer… And that the sooner you participate, the further ahead of the game you’ll be in the future, as I happen to think this is a medium — THE medium — for future marketing and marketers…

    As I’m not a prominent YouTuber (yet), and most of the brands that I deal with aren’t national brands (yet), my curiosities currently lie in how to make marketing via online video beneficial on a smaller scale…

    I think that on a local level, (much of my online video experience is with local, not national brands ) some level of success can be obtained by linking your video on Chamber of commerce sites, your OWN website, and so on, so that your video(s) don’t necessarily HAVE to get tens of thousands of views in order to make your impression, or at least enhance your marketing presence…

    (Link in name)

  2. One comment that came up was Focused Community Marketing, I’m glad that was brought up, it’s probably the most successful, meaning many many people, I have done to date. It’s amazing the kind of reaction I got on a topic that appealed to a group of people who shared a similar interest. Preaching to the choir works! Looking for the right audience rather then the audience looking for you seems to be one of the best ways to get views and attention.

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