YouTube Advertising & Marketing 2013 Stats: Infographic

Looking for some new stats on YouTube and Advertising? Here’s a roundup thanks to eMarketer, Credit Suisse, Mashable and an infographic from MDG Advertising. Some highlights:

  • US digital video ad spending will nearly double in only four years, climbing from $4.14 billion this year to $8.04 billion in 2016.
  • The CPM for midtier sites and placements in 2013 will be approximately $25 and reach nearly $33 for premium destinations.
  • Marketers are projected to spend $4.14 billion on the medium this year and invest billions more in the coming years to reach more than $8 billion in 2016.
  • “Gangnam Style,” the most popular YouTube video ever, saw $870,000 in ad revenue from YouTube.

Check out the MDG Advertising infographic for more fun stats:

Online Video Advertising Infographic

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  1. Hmmm… While I would welcome an $870,000 windfall, I would expect more for generating a billion views, wouldn’t you? Given that a 30-second spot on the Super Bowl costs at least $3 million to reach 100 million people, shouldn’t a video that reaches ten times as many people be worth more?… The answer, I guess, lies in what’s not explained in the article: while the headline proclaims “Advertisers, You Need You Tube,” the infographic doesn’t provide any stats on the effectiveness of YouTube advertising. Instead, it trots out the same old tired Old Spice case study, which was not a pure YouTube campaign, but a full integrated campaign that included everything from ads during “American Idol” to interviews with Oprah Winfrey… So no doubt YouTube is a monstrously successful entertainment and information platform, and I endorse having marketers use it. But is it a good advertising outlet? And if so, for what kind of advertisers using what kind of advertising format? The infographic doesn’t provide the data to prove it.

  2. This is good, I made some good money last month from the videos in my Youtube account and it seems to be getting better with each passing month. I am going to continue making valuable videos about natural health and wellness.

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