WTF? It’s Jan. 3? JibJab.

Woah. How’d it get to be January 3? I haven’t done my 2010 predictions for online video, and I’ve got a crap load of writing to do before my first draft manuscript is due for “Beyond Viral Video.”

Well here’s JibJab’s 2009 best-of musical animated video parody thingy, and JibJab’s blog posts some “behind the scenes” information about the writing (including a pdf draft of all the versions).

A modern Mel Blanc, Jim Meskimen (see his site), does most of the JibJab voices (see out-takes video below), and here’s a blog post about the recording session. Bring back the caption contests, Jim!

The bar has been set so high on these that it’s nearly impossible for the good JibJab people to leap previous annual tunes. How do you top the Kerry/Bush “This Land” in 2004?). But if you put aside the others you’ll enjoy this… It definitely tops 2007 if not 2008.

But not 2002’s farting elves of course. Not 2002’s farting elves.

Jim Sings! from JibJab on Vimeo.

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  1. Hey! Thanks mucho for the props!
    And thanks for hosting the Jibjab Year in Review! The most fun one we have recorded in some time!
    And hey, man- the Cartoon Contest is alive and well! You even linked to it? What more can I do for you?
    Your support is very much appreciated, Nalt-O-meal, (no charge for the new nickname.)
    Have a great one!

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