Will Video for Food Listed as One of Top 7 “Fastest Growing Blogs”
Just discovered that WillVideoForFood is listed as one of the top 7 “Fastest Growing Blogs.” Based on this post, I’d put it down on the bottom of the “most humble blogs.”
Just discovered that WillVideoForFood is listed as one of the top 7 “Fastest Growing Blogs.” Based on this post, I’d put it down on the bottom of the “most humble blogs.”
I blogged a lot of interesting posts this morning. So I think I’ve earned the right to simply post a picture of hummus right now.
Need web hosting? I use BlueHost.com, and it’s less than $7 bucks and comes with easy WordPress install. It seems to work pretty well- I can even figure out how to do things sometimes all by myself. Go sign up to BlueHost using this link (or click the blue host ad in the sidebar) — I’ll get…
Howcast is looking for someone to produce, edit, and host our new video blog taking a look inside Howcast and the world of how-to. Writes Howcast, “this is a real, paid part-time gig in its NYC office in SoHo.” Tell ’em how you’d be the face of Howcast’s new series by submitting a video response…
A lot of interactive agencies are now pitching clients on the value of online video to promote products and services. But how many of them are brave enough to throw themself in the mix? At a recent “lunch and learn” for Atlanta-based “Spunlogic,” I spoke about online-video marketing to some major media and marketing companies….
Despite NBC reports to the contrary — and speculation by many YouTubers — LonleyGirl15 is actually real. Here is some footage we obtained of a 9-year-old Bree back in 1998. See for yourself. Some things never change.
Oh sweet. I found a bootlegged copy of Naltz (me) on “The Retarded Policeman” by MedlOcre FlLm$ and P0nce. Note how I use obscure charactes to spell this so they’re copyright police don’t find this post. The episode was removed due to a conflict over the ownership of this episode (which was written by ponce’s…
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You don’t really need or want that lifestyle, it might hurt y’all slowly more…….Just tell him you
don’t wanna repeat something your not too proud of z7uas.