Who Sings “Marie” in Lorax “Let it Grow”

I just took the kids to see “The Lorax,” and I had purchased “Let it Grow” from the soundtrack (via my iPhone) before we had walked out the theater.

Zac Efron and Taylor Swift aside, that gospel song was stolen by young “Marie.”

“My name’s Marie and I am THREE… I would really like to see a tree… la, la, la, la, la, la, la, lee…”

It turns out that adorable voice belongs to Clara Titman who is the 4-year-old daughter of Monique Donnelly. Monique’s voice can also be heard in the film, including one in the singing fishes. You’ll also hear her in Happy Feet 2 and the latest Diary of the Wimpy Kids film. 

Brilliant singing all around in “The Lorax,” including The Office’s Ed Helms (who also played guitar for the film).Lorax voices

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