Where in the World is Felicia Williams?

Remember Felicia Williams from the perky “The Daily Reel” segments?

Oh- before your time? Well she’s been a YouTube feature editor since last summer (where she featured none of my videos), and now she’s joined Next New Network.

Felicia… does this mean I can let the cat out of the bag regarding your role in this embarassing Wizard of Oz YouTube parody (advance to 2:43)?

Or should I go ahead and keep a lid on that — so I don’t embarass you with your new buds?

P.S. Layoff Sukatra and others. I’m writing about Felicia because this is newsworthy.



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  1. Thanks for the note, Nalts! Felicia is definitely newsworthy.

    Look for her good witch powers to only increase in her new role…

  2. When are you gonna start writing about possum? They deserve their day in the sun too, you know. Well, not technically in the sun. More like the dead of night. But you get what I mean.

  3. She actually emailed me back one time. Nothing of Peter’s ever gets featured, though. That’s ok. I Kicked a Girl continues to get 3,000-7,000 hits a day on it’s own (then figure in other numbers).

    She is rather attractive, though. That must be why there is an article on her 🙂

  4. AWWW thanks nalts and nutcheese! It really means a lot to me that you are being so supportive of me and my old timey status in this crazy web space… You are all the best!! PS I never in my life thought I’d be on willvideoforfood. YAY!

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