Where Are YouTubers Now? 20/20…

Here’s the 20/20 story on YouTubers. Read about Obama Girl and David & Dentist. My favorite part of this is Joe Penna’s story. Here’s me meeting Penna the first time… (I totally didn’t know it was him until the shades went on).

Wow- I am just realizing how sweet that NextUp program is… I spoke to them in NYC but didn’t really understand all the free goods and cash they get. Mmmm.

Click to go to ABC 20/20 site to see YouTube episode

Here’s the e-mail I just found in my box. Whoops.


Whoops. Missed another media request because I amn't e-mail vigilant

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  1. 35 grand for those NextUp peeps? That’s quite an investment. What would you do with that kind of cash, Kev?

  2. I totally wish my Youth Questions channel would’ve been a finalist for Next Up. Alas, I build it myself instead. There was a lot of really stiff competition for votes with top YouTuber plugging their friends. Although, a couple of the winners I can’t see how they possibly got enough votes. Like, one girl’s video only had 200-some views, it wasn’t very good, and her channel had less than 200 subscribers! How’d she win?

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