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When Will Preroll Ads Die?

It was a rhetorical question, but I hope preroll goes the way of pop-up ads soon. This Clickz reports that the industry consensus is that pre-rolls aren’t the solution. Kevin Newcomb reports from AdTech NYC:

At present, many marketers are simply porting their TV ads online to run as pre-roll. They’re doing that not because they think it’s the most effective way to market in the online video medium, but because that’s what their organizational challenges allow them to do, Janet Balis, senior VP of sales development for AOL Media Networks, said during a “TV 2.0” panel at Ad:tech. “Most are looking to buy 15- or 30-second pre-roll, not because it’s the most interesting thing people want to be doing, but because there are real challenges to transitioning online. A lot of people want to innovate, but it’s challenging to do that on a broad scale,” Balis said.

ruprick.JPGDaniel Blackman from Google has it figured out. Contextual persistent branding. Say it with me three times. Contextual persistent branding. Contextual persistent branding. Contextual persistent branding.

Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma!

Common, guys. It’s so simple. Wrap compelling branding and “call to actions” around the videos viewed by your target audience. Compel them to interact, and greet them with an entertaining video. THEN you can hock your goods.

P.S. Steve Bryant is in the same place. See ReelPopBlog.

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