WAZZUP Budweiser Ad: 2008 Version

A must-see video (thanks Jan) because in 4 days this clip has been viewed 2.5 million times on YouTube alone. So it’s touching a nerve. It’s the Budweiser “wuzzup” advertisement in 2008. A depressed unemployed guy, a soldier, a dude needing healthcare and pain pills, and a screwed investor. Or something like that.

It appears that the distributor (channel owner) is 60Frames is not an indivual creator but a collection of them, and maybe this one is sponsored?  Which maybe explains why it has very few subscribers and varying videos. But a cool logo, dangit.

You’re not even reading this. You’re watching the video. Well it has some long pauses so go answer the Monopoly question below.


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  1. I’m gonna buy a new computer with my first Obamacheck. And I’ll finally qualify for food stamps! And an elderly caregiver stipend. And earned Income negative tax payments! And a housing allowance. God bless the New New Deal!!! Thank God! For a while there, I thought I might have to go out a look for a job. Whew! Dodged THAT bullet!

    I feel hope after years of hopelessness. You rich bastards have been stingy TOO LONG! Get out your wallets.

  2. looks to me like someone had a little bit of a budget in this one – lot of attention to detail

    Though I think people are going to be sadly disappointed by Obama and the Democrats.

    The Dems are starting to worry they may win by too large a margin and will actually have to deliver on everything they’ve been bitching about for years and couldn’t because they said the republicans were in the way.

    I haven’t quite figured out if the $700B bailout was a final payoff to the upper elite to leave town because there’s no stopping the US from falling into a social democracy or if that blank and vacant stare on Pelosi’s face is actually real.

    They’re still politicians after all, cain’t trust um!
    and we’re sure gonna find out soon nuff.

  3. @3 In the end, Marquis, this really helps you? Because then I feel a bit better about it. Although if poverty is defined by fewer assets than liability, I can give you a run for your money. I’m a heaping pile of debt. All I thought about today was whether my coworker would pay me the ten bucks she borrowed yesterday. Normally I’d assume I’d never see it.

  4. If we lived in the same city, I’d collect that debt for you for a 30% fee. I used to do that sort of work for The Ornamental.

    I don’t really have a clue whether or not the Democrats’ New New Deal welfare state is going to help me. I just enjoy bearding you rich people. I’m sorry. It’s a class warfare thing. Every time the stock market goes down, I root for it to sink lower. When it goes up, I’m sad.

  5. @7

    If your debts are only almost outweighing your assets you’re doing better than most folks. Everyone I know is going broke. My in-laws are on the verge of selling off their farm. The stock price for the company I work for has gone from $65 a share in January to under $3 (yes, three) a share. To add onto that, 4 of the 8 people on my level of management were fired in the last two months, and I was pretty much told yesterday that I’m going to be number 5.

    So with hope I’ll find a new job. I have a job in fast food lined up just in case, but it’s sad that a manager with the professional experience I have would need to take that sort of job. And then there’s the concern about paying rent, missing paychecks when my job ends, etc…

    So, life sucks. Even so, I still don’t totally understand why all of this is always blamed on the president. I mean, the suckage is from a combination of factors that have nothing to do with the president. Like house flippers creating a false value bubble in the housing market. Or day traders and panicky, inexperienced stock brokers selling stocks because they don’t have a long term outlook. Yeah, presidents get to assign people to offices, but even there, I think it’s still a case of we the people looking for scapegoats for the natural result of our shortsighted immaturity.

  6. I have to hand it to Bush, he timed this well. When this thing hits hard he’ll be out the door – I hear the murmurs of a tax payer revolt on the horizon. I’m heavily invested in Chinese rope so I expect to make a killing in the near future. Your best bet right now is a government job. Quick, before the hiring freeze. If all the predictions I am reading now start to come true in the spring, or sooner, this is going to look like a very different country in a few years.

    jim, to some extent you’re correct, we are the people and have the final say, however, we blame the president because he is the leader of his party in Congress and if you noticed the polls on Congress are worse than his – We sent a message in 06 and minimalized his power, so we thought. We put the Democrats in charge of the Congress and all they did was roll over for Bush then turned on us and whined that we didn’t do enough. Well we are about to do enough on Nov 4th.

    The people who are going to get hit the hardest financially will be the poor without family and those who are making between $150k – $350k a year; the latter standing to lose more of everything. Everyone else in between are already prepped, they know what’s it’s like to struggle and what it’s like to lose. The $500ks and up have already cashed out or in and are leaving for higher ground; they’re calling it ‘the extended vacation.’

    There are a couple of ways to look at this thing – but we are never without possibilities and opportunities – we are still Americans after all – a can do people. What will be tested here for the world to see, and has of late been sorely lacking, is our humanity.

  7. Good ad. Poignant and touching. Well, for people that feel empathy, that is. I know that’s hard for some of you to understand, particularly when blacks are involved.

    If this election turns out like it seems that it may, we will all owe the Republicans a debt of gratitude. The last 8 years have perhaps made it possible for a wave to sweep into Washington. The change could be as dramatic as Reagan’s election in 1980. Except, of course, in the exact opposite direction.

    Plus, Bush has left his successor with a template for unchecked, unaccountable executive power.

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