Vlog Series Based on Novel

Meet Othello Gooden Jr., author of “Raylorian Dawn.”Here’s his vlog series.

Memoire de Rayloria is named in french because the builders of the Space Station, “Rayloria” or AKA: “Zyra,” were Polish but spoke French and English fluently also along with their native Polish language. Rayloria is the middle name of the space station’s second leader, “Zyra Mellis,” the eldest daughter of General William Raylor Mellis Sr., credited with building of the Space Station and the Lunar Interplanetary Administration (LIA), which controlled all between Rayloria and the Lunar Colonies, much like DC is to the United States.

The “Memory of Rayloria” Is about the Space Station, not Zyra Mellis. The life recordings of each person who was considered a “hero/heroine” in the MDR Universe is how the story is told. At least 8 people, beginning with Kayleen Evanston, are the “biggest,” those who have shaped society with their contributions. Time span of events are from March 2011 AD (NIAC reboot dubbed “the Raylorian Project” but known to the public as “NIAC 2”) – Summer of 6200 AD (Reign of the tyrant Wayne Feyda-Marshal).

Don’t ask so many questions. Just go watch it. He asked me to shout it out, okay?


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