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Viral Video YouTube Moshup in Weezer’s “Pork & Beans” Music Video

Weezer Pork and Beans Viral Video MontageSome time ago, we were watching Weezer write a song with his audience on YouTube. His blog even mentioned my little post, resulting in fan traffic that oddly didn’t assault me for making fun of his unibrow.

Well now Weezer’s “Pork and Beans” music video has paid even greater homage to YouTube, and has garnered more than 2 million views in the past few days (and probably well more by the time you read this). It showcases the band performing “Pork and Beans,” alongside Chris Crocker, Mentos’ EepyBird, and even on the face of Dramatic Gopher.

The lyrics are below, and the song contains a rather interesting message about being yourself instead of worrying about what others think. I can only hope the line “Timbaland knows the way to reach the top of the charts” is sarcasm, and that Weezer is being slightly ironic by moshing itself with viral-video cliches, while singing such lyrics as “I don’t give a hoot what you think” and “I’m finally dandy with the me inside.” I’m sure any of the viral “weblebrities” that participated in the May production of this music video can attest to the soul-sucking emptiness of the 14 minutes of viral fame.

Parenthetically, you mighta heard about Weezer’s YouTube channel here on WVFF, but even the smaller, less progressive blogs are finally catching on. It’s even getting mentioned by little bitty bloggers like ValleyWag (which once named me one of the hottest guys of the Internet). But let me tell you, “I don’t give a hoot what they think” because I’m “tickled pink” when I look in the mirror (unless it’s a full length one).

Here’s Valleyway’s nice rundown of all of the viral sensatinos that “Pork and Beans” showcases, from “Numa Numa Kid” to “Charlie the Unicorn.” From “Leave Britney Alone” to “Peanut Butter Jelly Time.” And here’s Weezer.com’s announcement of it:

Shot May 7-10 in North Hollywood, CA, this video features a cast of, well, many! And what a cast! An amazing group of well known ‘Youtube celebs’ was tracked down and flown in so they could do their thing(s) with the Weezer men. Its pretty much impossible to properly describe what went down, so just have a look!

If you can’t recognize more than 75% of these clips, friends, then go to your room and start surfing YouTube’s “most watched” videos immediately. Start with the Weezer references, so you can flex your viral muscle by explaining clips of “Pork and Beans” to your less virally inclined buds and family members on Memorial Day.

I’ve even included the lyrics below, in case you want to sing along like Zack Scott (who has been tracking this closely, as the biggest viral video junkie I know who also is clinically obsessed with Weezer).

A final word. Clever folks, those Weezers. Their hardcore fans will argue the band has never “jumped the shark,” but if they had… what an interesting way to sail behind the collective wind of of other motorcycles zooming like Fonzie over netted sharks (see Happy Days “jump the shark” video, thanks to Mary Quickbowlmana). But at the same time, serving up a meaninfull message about being happy inside instead of through the eyes of fickle fans.

Pork and Beans lyrics:
They say I need some Rogaine (paid promotion?) to put in my hair
Work it out at the gym to fit my underwear
Oakley makes the shades (paid promotion?) that transform a tool
You’d hate for the kids to think, that you lost your cool (self referential?)

I’mma do the things that I wanna do
I ain’t got a thing to prove to you
I’ll eat my candy with the pork and beans
Excuse my manners if I make a scene
I ain’t gonna wear the clothes that you like
I’m finally dandy with the me inside (good, guys- I am the soul behnid the unibrow)
One look in the mirror and I’m tickled pink
I don’t give a hoot about what you think

Everyone likes to dance to a happy song
(Hey, hey) With a catchy chorus and beat so they can sing along
(Hey, hey) Timbaland knows the way to reach the top of the charts
Maybe if I work with him I can perfect the art

I’mma do the things that I wanna do
I ain’t got a thing to prove to you
I’ll eat my candy with the pork and beans (which has more sugar than candy)
Excuse my manners if I make a scene
I ain’t gonna wear the clothes that you like
I’m finally dandy with the me inside
One look in the mirror and I’m tickled pink
I don’t give a hoot about what you think
No I don’t care I don’t care

I’mma do the things that I wanna do
I ain’t got a thing to prove to you
I’ll eat my candy with the pork and beans
Excuse my manners if I make a scene
I ain’t gonna wear the clothes that you like
I’m finally dandy with the me inside
One look in the mirror and I’m tickled pink
I don’t give a hoot about what you think
Totally different?

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  1. Geez, you sound like my high school guidance counselor trying to convince me I wasn’t the geekiest kid in my government class.

    Notice no cursing here Zack? You just wait til you post your next video. It’s gonna be a bloodbath.

  2. I love Weezer and their new song. Big Weezer fan. Haven’t had time yet to watch the video. I have been on the road the past couple of days and now am watching “There Will Be Blood”; strange movie. Not sure if I like it or not. Will watch the vid tomorrow, but just had to stop by for my daily dose of Nalts’ blog.

  3. I think it’s dandy Weezer is participating on you tube, even though they remind me a little of TMBG and FOW, but that’s ok. Maybe, since they seem to have the wherewithal, they’ll start promoting some of youtube’s hidden talent on their channel and I hope they really don’t eat pork and beans. I bet they eat bean sprouts and tofu maybe a little kombu on the side.

  4. The only problem I have with the Weezer video is that it’s already out of date. Chris Crocker? The Dramatic Gopher? These Web-lebritys are already past their 15mins.

    This audience? No. Rather the casual Web surfer. The viral groupies.

  5. fallofautumndistro made the point [click], but weezer has an audience outside of youtube who probably didn’t see the internet people video (on my top 5 list this year). anyone reading this blog is at least 3 to 6 months ahead of the curve on a range of topics. Still, have to applaud Weezer for getting involved in the community, unlike the saccharine promotional love um and leave um videos from Oprah, Madonna and the Stones.

    Hey Oprah is in my spell checker! how come Google isn’t?

  6. Finally got a chance to watch the video. I really like Weezer, and I love this song. Having said that, I agree with JimmerSD that all the YT references are a bit out-of-date. But, were I not a YT addict and only a casual watcher, I probably would find it funnier than I do. Still like it though.

    I also agree with jischinger about Oprah, the Stones and Madonna; they used YT for their own purposes, while I think Weezer really wants to be involved in the community.

  7. Sorry this comment comes late, as I’m catching up.

    I think Weezer seems genuine in their intent to interact, and in making a music video it would be hard to be more current than they were – you have to plan ahead and take the time to shoot and edit. They could have brought it up a bit, but not more than a month or so. Also, the members of Weezer may not be addicts – they might be the casual watchers, and perhaps this is their experience. Who are we to take that away from them?

    Also, my interpretation of the “I don’t give a hoot” line mixed with the appearance of the web-lebrities was that all these people have tasted that bit of fame, been hated on, and now have the understanding that they need to just do things for themselves and not care about what other people say. It’s an affirmation of their self-worth, put in the direction of haters, in a way. Perhaps this also ties into the references being a bit behind – those just tasting the “success” haven’t had the time to process that and make a decision about it.

    My basic interpretation of the song would be:
    There’s external pressure,
    but I need to be myself.
    I could sell out and try to be the most popular,
    but I just need to be myself (x2).

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