Viral Video Film School’s 2009 Picks

I’m not a regular CurrentTV checker, so thanks to Mark for alerting me to “Viral Video Film School” in the comments of my last post. He also recommended SuperNews on Current, and I was not disappointed with “The Christmas Bailout.”

Below is a Brett Erlich video capturing 2009’s finest moments in the form of a quiz.

You’ve heard of the omni-present Susan Boyle and the Chris Brown Wedding Song, but he’s tossed in a few other gems… like a little Asian kid singing Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours,” which prompts Brett to say “I want to eat him up.” And he informs us that keyboard cat, Fatso, is RIP.

My only criticism of Current is that it doesn’t, ironically, seem to have current content… a lot of dated material in my modest surf session.

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