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Viral Video 3-Day Cruise?

Would people be interested in an “Viral Video Cruise”? My sister-in-law is a travel agent, and found a decent rate for a 3-day cruise. I’m not yet sure if it should be a social event (like a YouTube gathering), or an educational/networking event with some conference-like sessions that help people justify expensing it. Thoughts?

Here are the initial details. I’m posting this to see if it makes initial sense. Click here for more (it’s my sister-in-law’s travel website).

December 5, 2008 (3 Day Cruise)
Leaves from Ft. Lauderdale
via Royal Caribbean’s Majesty of the Seas

Visits Coco Cay, Royal Caribbean’s Private Island and Nassau

Inside cabins – $313.85
Outside Cabins – $348.85
$100 per person deposit due August 20th
Final payment due September 20th
(Traveling Amy is her website).

Cruises include room and food, and all activities and shows…. tips and drinks are extra, as is anything else you buy onboard or in port.

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  1. nalts, WTF? You’re following ruebnick on twitter and not me?? Jesus, are you gonna make me beg for this the way I groveled to get you to subscribe? because I’m not doing it. You’ll just have to go through your day without my accounts of the various places I’ve farted.

    Thbthbthbthbthbthbhbthbthbthb. That was a fart.

  2. Hey, if the professor’s going on that cruise I’ll go. He’s hot and I bet he’s still a virgin. If he’s still alive.

  3. Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale,
    A tale of a fateful trip
    That started from this tropic port
    Aboard this tiny ship.

    The mate was a mighty sailing man,
    The skipper brave and sure.
    Five passengers set sail that day
    For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.

    The weather started getting rough,
    The tiny ship was tossed,
    If not for the courage of the fearless crew
    The minnow would be lost, the minnow would be lost.

    The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle
    With Gilligan
    The Skipper too,
    The millionaire and his wife,
    The movie star
    The professor and Mary Ann,
    Here on Gilligan’s Isle.

    So this is the tale of the castaways,
    They’re here for a long, long time,
    They’ll have to make the best of things,
    It’s an uphill climb.

    The first mate and the Skipper too,
    Will do their very best,
    To make the others comfortable,
    In the tropic island nest.

    No phone, no lights no motor cars,
    Not a single luxury,
    Like Robinson Crusoe,
    As primitive as can be.

    So join us here each week my friends,
    You’re sure to get a smile,
    From seven stranded castaways,
    Here on “Gilligan’s Isle.”

    This picture made me want to share. So I hope you hear this song all day Kevin

  4. Would love to, just to watch the creativity running rampant, but already have a conference in New Orleans.

  5. I would definitely not be able to go, any way you roll the dice, so I’m not going to share my opinion.

    And Holy @&#^$ Sukatra!!! How hard is my name to spell?!? E after R, U after E!!! God!!

  6. I am certainly into cruising as is my other half. Frankly it wouldn’t work any other way. Lauderdale is convenient and the price is right. I’ve been to both Coco and Nassau. Coco is a nice day at the beach and Nassau is a good day of shopping or golfing or snorkeling or fishing or gambling or whatever. I recommend cruising for a great all in trip with the cost of food, lodging and travel all in. This is a definite maybe for me.

  7. I’m planning a cruise next April with my sisters (my first) who have been trying to get me to cruise with them for years. I think that’s also the weekend a co-worker of mine is getting married. So probably not.

  8. I don’t understand all you people who are willing to get on a cruise operated by strangers that goes way out into the middle of the ocean where there is nothing but water. What if you fall off the boat? Where will you be then? In the middle of the ocean. There’s no starbucks out there in the middle of the ocean.

    So basically, unless you were walking around the boat wearing a life jacket and carrying a gps transponder and a walkie talkie, i think you’ll just be shark bait.

    I havea little phobia about boats. Best way to get a phobia – watch too much Dateline NBC.

  9. Sorry, I’ll have to skip out on this one being my family and I won the Caribbean Escape Video Contest and will be going on a 4-day Disney Cruise. Thanks for the offer though.

  10. Nalts, early December is a shite time to set up a cruise. First, academic people are still having classes. Second, people aren’t thoroughly stir-crazy from winter blahs yet. A better time is February (plus I should have some vacation time by then).

    Set this up with some educational/seminar activities. I can’t expense it, but I don’t do a lot of the “social” activities (dancing, karaoke, heavy boozing, climbing the rock wall, shopping in port) and I like learning stuff. But only if it’s in February or March.

  11. My birthday is December 8th. I hope you don’t plan on leaving your children under my supervision. I will have some things to do.



  12. Make it about business, and I’m there. My birthday’s the 4th, so it could be a KILLER tie-in with an (air quotes) “conference.”

  13. Sounds incredible. I want to go. You’ll probably prank us and leave us on an island, though.

  14. You gotta be fucking kidding. I imagine this is what hell is like. I hope you all get the norovirus.

  15. Sounds interesting! Since I am getting my own Internet Marketing business off the ground, I’m sure I can write it off… Keep me updated. bbk
    ps I went on this same cruise route last summer is and it was quite pleasant. Very laid back, fun and that is a great price!

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