Video Doesn’t Lie: Obama Shoots Bird at McCain

Sorry to be blogging so much about Fox, but I couldn’t resist this one. Last night I watched “Lie to Me” to prepare for some promotions for the show. As a former psych grad I was dissappointed by how obvious the clues of deception were– far less subtle than I imagined.

Then I happened upon this Fox blog of real footage of Barack Obama mentioning McCain and visibly shooting the bird. And Donald Rumsfeld sporting his own “birdie.” Indeed our facial expressions and gestures give off more than we think.

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  1. I once worked with this crazy woman who always thought people were flipping her off. She was a nasty person. The kind of person who probably actually would try to flip people off secretly. It’s funny how we project on others. I’ve caught myself scratching my face with my middle finger before, and then I remember that there might be some goofy person watching, so then I use a different digit.

    That lady was forced out of her job, and is now back in Philly where she can feel at home.

  2. these clips are pretty old – and why are they still up on You Tube?! This is a clear violation of copyright, not to mention FOXNEWS is notorious for pulling clips off blog sites – oh, wait, that’s a different conversation and melt down…

    anyway… as I was saying, these clips are old and it seems the majority of people thought Rummy was indeed flipping the guy off while Obama was simply in deep thought then caught himself. I concur, but what do I know?

  3. I was gonna make some comment warning you that jan has comPLETELY gone off the deep end on twitter, but then i read Matt’s comment and I have to note that it’s the funniest thing I’ve read in weeks.

  4. My glasses are always slipping down my nose and I have gotten in the habit of pushing them up with my middle finger as to be flipping people off as much as possible.

  5. …………………./´¯/)
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

    Oops, sorry guys…my stupid fat stubbies…hit a couple of wrong keys by accident.


  6. @6

    I think you’re right. And it “Young Elvis” too. I guess the conspiracy theory about him faking aging and death because he’ an immortal alien being are true. Go figure.

    As far as the actual blog topic goes, I sincerely hope that Obama and McCain get past their differences. They’ve got a couple years worth of working together ahead of them. But then, I didn’t vote for either of them… 😀

    Personally, I think we should prohibit current politicians (and their families) from running for president. Other government employees would be allowed, such as the military, just no more politicians. Actually, I think military leaders should be encouraged to run for president. George Washington wasn’t a politician, he was a war general, and his leadership formed the country. President Grant was a general and a great leader. I think the best people to lead our country are those who know what it’s like to actually fight for it.

  7. @7

    ……..(’(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

    Oops, sorry, forgot to take my gloves off, it’s so cold here…

  8. @5: I do that all the time as well. It is my favorite way to flip people off when I am in a classroom full of middle-schoolers.

  9. Get past their differences? Who the hell cares about McCain now? He’s pretty much irrelevant. I think they’re getting along fine though.

    Only military men should run for office? How do these names grab you?–

    Colin Powell
    Wesley Clark
    Jim Webb
    Max Cleland
    Jimmy Carter!

    Sounds good to me!

    Grant was a shitty president.

  10. @13

    Wow, you know what? You’re absolutely right! I mean, at first I could have sworn I had a good point, or I at least one that wasn’t worthy of a petty childish attack. But your brilliantly worded masterpiece has convinced me of my errors! Praise Jesus, I have seen the light! Hallelujah! I’m going to call my friends. I’m going to wake the neighbors. I might even go live on stickam, just to spread my enlightenment! Never in my life have I had such an epiphany, and it’s all because you had the bravery and courage to be a man, and oh so valiantly stick your neck out to post an anonymous insulting message on this site. Oh, the enlightenment! It brings a tear to my eyes! A real, genuine tear!

  11. I love the drama on these posts. Let’s play a game. Two complements and an insult:

    1) JimmerSD, somecallmejim and marquis are fast at commenting- do they rss this?
    2) Nutcheese actually posted a comment here that had something to do with the post, and Jan helped me realize these are examples that are too old. I should have used the Hillary one where she comments about voting for Obama as she shakes her head back and forth.
    3) Now the insult- Sukatra’s biting witt is down. Winter blues like me, hon? Hug.

  12. 1) You seem to be more coherent today Kevin. Good for you!
    2) Yes, I RSS and get answers by email
    3) I’m forwarding all my penis enlargment spam to you from now on.

    I’ll let you try to figure out which one is the insult…

  13. 1) Excellent post Kevin! I have your comments RSS’ed, but I check the site more often than I check my feed reader. Truth is, I’m only fast because I don’t have a “day job” right now. Give me 40 hours of work and I won’t bug ya nearly as often. No really, are you hiring? I’ll relocate. I’m a great worker. I’m not insane (at least that’s what the voices tell me).

    2) I felt really good what I came here yesterday and saw that comment from you, Mr. anonymous hater. When I look at all the popular YouTubers, the one thing they all have in common is that they all have a hater or two. So when I see that I’ve managed to tweak a 13 year old enough to come at me, it fills me with a sense of accomplishment like no other. I’ll tell you what, you keep validating my existence like you’ve done here so well, and I’ll give your ego a good stroke every so often. Sure, it’s not as good as if you had real friends, but it’s probably as close as you’ll get.

    3) Actually, I think part three is embedded somewhere up there in part two.

    You’re right, this IS a fun game!

  14. @20

    1) Good point. You’re sharp like that.

    2) Great video for the GVC by the way, I think you’ll win.

    3) Now, get off my case or I’ll sic the hater on ya!


  15. @19: I’m with you. When I am having a busy day at work (like today) I rarely get a chance to get to visit here, let alone post. Summer time, I’ll be here every day, all day.

    Unless I find a life.

  16. @17 now that you mention it the only excusss I have for being such a jerk was the melt down coupled with a stupid head cold. sorry – I’ll go off in the corner say a few rosaries and tape my fingers before I let them speak next time. Gwad sometimes I’m such an asshole!

  17. 1) They are just obsessive like I am when I have nothing to do otherwise.
    2) Apocalypse.
    3) Sukatra hasn’t been posting on Twitter as much, either.

  18. @25

    That’s a good thing. It means that somewhere within you lies the popularity seed. One day, it will germinate into full blown popularity.

    Now, when this happens, you have to take all of us with you. I mean, except for Nalts.

  19. I finally went to see “Avenue Q” this weekend. It was hysterical. I think you said the BsoN has the soundtrack. You should be very concerned that someone responsible for your children listens to that kind of trash! 😉

  20. Write a new blog post, nalts, or I’m gonna come after you with my shotgun. You may think I can’t move that fast now since I’m in this wheelchair but I’ve got propane fueled engines on the wheels. I’ll be on you faster than white on rice.

  21. Obama’s economic stimulus: 200 million dollars for grass in Washington, D.C.

    HAHAHAHAHA! We’re gonna have the most stimulated illegal alien gardeners in the world!

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