
Video Contest for Nerds Seeking Fame

answeringmachine_left.jpgVia “Media Post”:

ACTOR WILLIAM SHATNER, WHO ROSE to fame 40 years ago as Captain Kirk on “Star Trek,” is tapping his still strong sci-fi fan base for a new online promotional effort. The actor, author, and former pitchman for Priceline.com is seeking a spokesman for the William Shatner DVD Club–a subscription-based online DVD rental service owned by FullTurn Media. Applicants can compete by submitting their own videos to a Web site; Shatner will be on the panel of celebrity judges. FullTurn spokesman Joshua Silberstein said the contest is aimed at finding a user who can help promote the site with their love of science fiction–and of course, Shatner.

The prize? Shatner will record your outgoing message. Too bad the winner probably gets no calls.

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  1. Froget “monetizing your user-created content library…” Because you simply can’t put a price on Shatner scaring off your telemarketing callers. It’s beyond any notion of fiscal reward. No, really….

  2. Yeah- I’d have to ask him to sing that really creepy song he did before Star Trek… the one where he sounds packed for of Acid (or whatever else was in that Altoids tin).

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