User Generated Video Turning Pro

Mike Shields from MediaWeek wrote this recent article about viral video creators. Nice piece and encouraging for those of us that are aspring amateurs. I found it while ego surfing my own name. Don’t act like you don’t ego surf.

The user-generated video media landscape, while still pervaded by frat boys filming themselves being jackasses and pet owners posting cute clips of their cats, is fast becoming an arena for semi-professionals who are producing more and more scripted, episodic content for the new medium, and in many cases are being discovered by old media.

It’s nice to be mentioned in the same article as Barats & Bereta. They’re the Molson to my Mills Best.

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One Comment

  1. kudos – that is pretty cool.

    i dont know much about financial fundamentals but Apple (as a stock) has to eventually be at the forefront of making some serious dough. percentage wise independent filmmakers must overwhelmingly use their cpu’s and software.

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