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Used TV for Sale

broken_tv.jpgSix months ago I’d be falling asleep on my couch right now watching TV. But here’s a classic example of how I’m “leaning forward” instead of “leaning back.” Unless your grandson is reading this post to you, you’re probably making a similar transition.
“Here’s my travel log, and keep in mind that for online video viewing, the journey is as important as the destination.” (copyright Kevin Nalty, under creative commons)

First I visit the Revver Blog. Wonder what Micki’s up to? I see the Technorati “blogs that link here,” and I give it a “looksee.” I want to punch people who use that word. Notice SaveMentosNow, which in this post condemned a video that teaches us how to make a DietCoke/Mentos Soda Weapon. Funny clip. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one exploiting my kids for financial gain on Revver.

I click the creator’s name and it’s MunkyButterDotCom, who also created Sportsdad Blooper Funny Baseball Outtake (the video with the longest name ever) which has reached an impressive >7,000 views on Revver.
Now I see they’ve got a website called SodaSoaker.com, which is a redirect to MunkyButter.com. Good branding in that. Except for the fact that MonkeyButter is owned by someone else. Meanwhile MunkyButter is featuring some good video clips, and also my Prank the Garbage Man.

munky-butter.jpgSo there are 3 important take-aways from this post:

1) I don’t believe the studies that suggest online video isn’t cannibalizing tube time. It is, and will continue to until the lines blur between television and online video.

2) Check out MunkyButter. I just introduced you to it and saved you 12 clicks.

3) My wife just fell asleep to Young & The Restless. Irony?

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  1. I meandered down a link trail last night that started with Revver.blog and ended two hours later in India somewhere. Suddenly I wondered how I had gotten there. I know I downloaded some shareware along the way and listened to few MP3s, but how had I ended up in India? Strange.

  2. Well try blogging at 11:35 at night after you took Ambien an hour earlier. You forget what you’re writing about in the mi

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