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Use of Term “V Generation” Causes Spontanious Puking at Conference

television1.jpgIn “Online Video Advertising Builds Momentum,” Brooke Shumacher, President of B Line Marketing, reports on a Search Engines Strategies Conference that took place last month in San Jose, California.

In the article, which appears on SearchEngineWatch.com, Shumacher quotes Tom Bedecarre from interactive agency AKQA. Bedecarre offered a case-study video collage featuring high profile clients including Nike, Coca Cola, and X-box. 

Bedecarre then described his market of young adults by saying:

“Our target audience is the video or “V” generation. They have been watching video since they were born. At every moment this generation of multi-tasking technophiles has been video taped and weaned on reality TV.”

This photo was taken in the audience moments after Bedecarre used the term “V Generation.”


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