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Uploading Video is First Step, Not Last

social.jpgMany people believe that uploading video is the last step to getting seen. I’ve discovered the hard way that it’s up to the creator to market their work. And WillVideoforFood has provided a number of techniques to do so. But none of my posts have been as comprehensive as this post by PragD (via Revver’s blog). The author outlines techniques for promoting your video via:

  1. Social Bookmark Services (del.icio.us, Stumbleupon, Furl, Blinklist, Ma.gnolia, Shadow and Blogmarks.net)
  2. General Aggregate Sites (Digg, Reddit, Netscape)
  3. Vertical Aggregate Sites (Flixya, Videobomb, Videosift, Kunfugrip)
  4. Message Boards (many sites have chat rooms attached to them)
  5. Social Networks (PragD believes in forwarding to friends, but I tend to avoid this one unless the person is in the video).

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  1. Once I got past the initial, “because we don’t really have traffic on our own site, here are a bunch of other sites with varying levels of no traffic you can post too, because, yes, you just love to post, don’t you….” I broke down and tried it.

    Clearly, a lot of video stuff is going to get lost on the higher traffic bookmarking sites, and at the same time, is only going to stand out on the smaller sites because, well, 95% of the content is tech.

    But that being said, my own little experiment comes down on the side of StumbleUpon and Reddit. It wasn’t a completely thorough one, so I’m not saying that’s definitive. But I’d say they’re a good place to start (surprisingly, nothing from del.icio.us)

  2. Pingback: Altace.

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