
Traditional Media Content Gets More YouTube Views, But Less…

Fairly “no-brainer” news from Business Day in AU: traditional media stuff gets more views, but far less interaction.

  • The traditional media content dominated the most-viewed category, 717 compared with 277 for user-created content and 86 uncertain.
  • But in the most-discussed and most-responded categories, the reverse was true. Only 276 of the most-discussed videos originated in traditional media; 751 of the most-discussed videos on YouTube were created by users.

Source: A book called YouTube: Online Video and Participatory Culture

Seems the book looks at contemporary and future implications of online media. More for students and scholars in media, communication and cultural studies (versus greedy business people or hungry creators).

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  1. I don’t know how to read. I look at pictures. That’s why I subscribe to Maxim magazine. I need something to do while sitting on the toilet.

  2. Thank you for this deeply thought-provoking and insightful post. Your ability to think “outside the box” always amazes me. I count you as one of my favorite humans in the history of the world, behind only Jesus Christ and Ghandi. And Danielle from “The Real Housewives of New Jersey”.

  3. “They have found three themes in YouTube. Firstly, it is a place where people go to watch their favourite music videos, bloopers or freak shows.”

    Where do you fit?

    “Secondly, it is a place where video is a medium for starting conversations and developing relationships with other YouTubers.”

    Such as, “This video sucks!”

    “”And thirdly, it is a cheap, easily accessible outlet for people to express their own creativity, whether by making videos or doing “mash-ups” of other people’s videos.”

    and because it’s distributed for free free free!

    Leaping over to ad rev I think advertisers are afraid to promote free unless it’s absolutely necessary. Promoting a culture of free makes it, eventually, harder to generate revenue, but like gold, silver and copper trust will become a commodity again and to build trust you have to interact with clients/viewers.

    For a number of decades advertisers decided they didn’t need salesmen to distribute their wares rather, choosing to opt out for the nameless, faceless sterile environment of TV and radio. However, with a down economy advertisers are going to need more of the hard sell and build on trust, and that means people. But, they are torn because the bottom line hates people, labor has been traditionally their highest costs, it cuts into profits.

    Regardless, being frugal is in again, the days of buying on a whim are quickly coming to an end, investing in the new interactive economy is where it’s at.

    rinse wash repeat.

    One outside observation and question, why are guys wearing girls old clothes?

  4. Eureka!! That’s it.. New Bedford is a Non Participatory Culture! I’m surrounded by mind numbing idiots!

    Twitter, davegouldnb

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