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Top Keyword Searches That Led to WillVideoForFood yesterday

Every once in a while you blog about something that happens to be highly searched. My recent post about Jodi Applegate’s video rant resulted in the following top keywords that people searched before finding this blog.

  1. Jodi applegate
  2. Metecafe
  3. Jodi Applegate video
  4. Healies
  5. Jodi applegate prank
  6. Jodie applegate video

Again this reinforces three things:

  1. The criticality of search-engine optimizing your blog and video titles, tags and descriptions. Even if it means spending hours retagging them like Marquis did. I really need to figure out how to tag words (not categories) on WordPress if anyone knows how.
  2. The fact that people are still starting with Google before dipping into video sites.
  3. That I’m not above manipulating the search engines by reposting with the same keywords.

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