Tired of Waiting for Permission to Make My Art (Felicia Day)

I always get a bit upset when people don’t recognize the name Felicia Day or The Guild. Almost like the face I get when I say, “are the Phillies going to make it to the Superbowl?”

If there was a little Felicia Day doll I’d buy it for my daughter (then steal it). She’s so cute, neurotic, nerdy, sincere, curious, passionate. And ever time I see her on television (more and more often), it’s like I’m watching my sister or a neighbor. Did you see her in Dr. Horrible? What about Fox’s Lie to Me? Dang- her nervous chemistry with Brendan Hines while a guy might blow up the White House?

If Ashton Kutcher is the Florence Lawrence of online video, then Felicia Day is Katharine Hepburn or Judy Garland.

And if I wasn’t already a fan, check out the “best acceptance speech ever” (Tim Street says) from her Streamies award.

Did you know Kim Evey (who produces the Guild) is the spouse of Greg Benson of Mediocrefilms? Greg directed some early episodes, and they shot some of it in their home. Sometimes when I’m talking to Greg I ask him to scream “I love the Guild” to Kim. And Kim screams back, “I love Norts or whatever his name is.”

So I’m only 3-degrees of separation from Felicia. And I will meet her some day, and have nothing to say. Just stare like a weirdo.

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  1. If we want to talk about degrees of separation with notable people, I was only one degree away from Kat Dennings for half a year. YES, that is correct. THE Kat Dennings followed my twitter for a while for some reason.

    I am sorry, but I’ve just really wanted to brag about that for quite some time now. Obviously, she got sick of me and stopped following me, but the point of the matter is that she followed me for some time.

    Take THAT, Norts!

  2. @3 That might impress me if I knew who this Kat Dennings person is. I’ve never even heard of her.

    @4 Yep, that’s the same Kim. I only lasted a couple episodes of the GTCMS before my brain had to take a dump.

  3. Why don’t you just come out and say it Nalts?

    In fact put it in a video. Draw down on everyone involved and blow them and their “awards” out of the water.

    It will be fun, and it is not as if you are going to still be involved in online video by this time next year.

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