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The YouTube Guide Promotes “Lesser Known” Tubers

youtubeguide.jpgI’ve only recently discovered The YouTube Guide (YTGuide). Each episode is hosted by a YouTube person who identifies some of their favorite video posters. The channel was started by Jim (SuicidalPassion) and is currently edited by Vicky (LestyoubeJudged). YouTube Guide, says Vicky, is “owned by all and the intent to feature lesser known people on YouTube.”

Recent guest host, Holly Haynes, featured my “Bawling is Beautiful” in her recent episode. For reasons I can’t explain, this was more exciting to me than appearing on a television network. There’s something so simple about Holly’s videos. She’s a mother of two and an ovarian cancer surviver. See her other YouTube profile, Haynes1994, (which I first thought was another LonelyGirl15 sponsored by Haynes) and her Xanga page by clicking here.
It’s the “TV Guide” of YouTube, and the gang is entertaining us while helping us find other video creators.

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