The Viral Video Whisperer (Forbes)

Let’s just get this right out… this post is going to be narcissistic. And I recognize that’s not good for my health (US News Health).

Michael Humphrey of continues his series of YouTube personalities with an article about me titled, “Nalts: The Viral Video Whisperer Talks YouTube Dominance, Audience Analysis And Cats.”

forbes kevin nalty
Click image for Forbes article
Sample paragraphs for you peeps who are too lazy to click the link:

It might surprise you that the man who wrote the book that kick-started many online video careers, and who advocated for his inclusion in the Partners Program, does not choose to make a career of YouTube. He is a marketing professional, who also has happened to score close to a quarter-billion video views on the side.

That unique combination comes together in Nalty’s “Beyond Viral,” a book intended to help brands build loyalty in an ecosystem where the single vlogger may have the advantage.

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  1. Indeed. I already read the article a few days ago. Surprised it took you this long to mention it.

  2. Going from “Genius” to “Whisper” is like going from “Astrologist” to “Tarot Reader”. /golfclap

    Now on to more serious stuff: Nice one!

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