The Superbowl of Online Video

Max Kalehoff, VP of Nielsen BuzzMetrics, is calling this year’s Superbowl the one of “Marketer-Consumer Co-Creation.” In an article for MediaPost, Kalehoff cites examples like GM’s recruiting fledgling college talent and Frito-Lay’s contest for a 30-second ad – the winner will air during the Superblowl.

footballbaby.jpgKalehoff poses 6 questions as the ad industry preps for the next Super Bowl:

  1. Will advertisers bridge the gap between their traditional television efforts, online efforts and consumer participation, to create one seamless event?
  2. Will advertisers and their agencies practice consistency? Customer listening and interaction must resonate over time and across organizational silos; it must apply not just to fun contests, but whenever customers have suggestions, feedback or criticism.
  3. When engaging consumers to co-create, will advertisers respect the co-creators, keep the creation credible, compensate, and avoid even the slightest appearance of cheap-work-for-hire schemes (not unlike reality television)?
  4. Advertisers often use their 30-second spots to announce new products during the Super Bowl, intended for U.S. audiences. Will they be prepared for immediate and increasingly massive spillover to global markets via online video and social networks?
  5. Do advertisers have a strategy to measure participation and engagement around these highly viral events, which tend to span numerous media? [[ this one’s the BuzzMetrics plug šŸ˜‰ ]]
  6. Finally, do advertisers have a strategy and culture to embrace and actively manage engagement by the community, on the fly? If there’s anything that signifies CGM2, it’s that trajectories can be unpredictable and veer suddenly.

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