The Future of YouTube Using YouTube

Check out Tim Schmoyer’s new show with ReelSEO (Mark Robertson) on the subject of online video. I’m biased because I really, really like Tim and Mark… but you’ve got to admit the format is tasty. Rapid-fire delivery of important topics, like YouTube’s changes, TV networks online, and even! And he’s got BLOOPERS!

Tim plus ReelSEO is like peanut butter and chocolate, and the vlogger videoauthority promises to show us how to change our YouTube name without losing our subs and starting over. Hmmmm. Go sub.


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  1. Hey Nalts, thanks for the plug! I totally appreciate it and so encouraging! Mark and I enjoy working on these together. We have WAY more ideas for future stuff. We’re just limited by time and funding, so we’re sticking with the weekly Reel Web and Creator’s Tip series’ right now, hoping to break into some other stuff after these start to gain more traction. Your post helps! Gracias!

  2. Thanks Nalts. We’re really trying to do our best to provide great content and Tim is a natural on camera with this so… We hope to gain more traction and tighten them up over time (that’s our 6th or 7th episode)… Anyways, thanks for the plug and we really like you. Now, I need to go take a poop.

  3. Brilliant stuff! Funny but serious at the same time, but ……… in a funny way if that makes sense. Do you have more vids like this?

    yep, i do have too much time on my hands by the way! LOL!!!!!! 🙂

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