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The “Consumer’s Report” of Online Video Sites

testinnn.jpgCourtesy of Deirdre Straughan, here's a site that tests a lot of video players in one spot. Some of them load automatically, so you'll have to scroll down and pause. You'll be greeted by some cool music. Thanks, Deirdre, for bringing this to our attention and doing the testing that the rest of us are too lazy to do!

For more comments on various video sites, check out Loaded Pun. Great resource on the pro's and con's of each site.

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  1. You should get some kind of award for being the hardest working man in viral video journalism. Better yet, some news organization should syndicate you. Once again you bring us interesting information on our viral video avocations.

    Or, put another way: Cool site. Thanks.

    Where’s Blinkx.tv? Has Deirdre snubbed Blinkx.tv? Blinkx has not lived up to your or my or Revver’s expectations, has it!? Too bad. It had potential. So sad. The revolution was not televised as advertised. Blinkx squats on a stick hut sod floor somewhere near Mazatlan smoking Navajo spirit sticks dreaming of a revolution that never was.

    So do I.

  2. Re. Blinkx, scroll down to the section entitled “The Non-Embeddables” on that first test page. At least when I tested it, there was no way to embed Blinkx-hosted video in another site.

  3. Favorite post to WillVideoForFood yet:
    Blinkx squats on a stick hut sod floor somewhere near Mazatlan smoking Navajo spirit sticks dreaming of a revolution that never was.

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