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The Best of Cats on Skateboards (YouTube Advertising)

It’s the biggest myth of online-video advertising. If a brand advertises on YouTube it will appear with consumer-generated media that includes such content as cats on skateboarders. TVweek’s “New Media Minute,” hosted by Daisy Whitney, featured a recent interview with YouTube’s Jordan Hoffner to set the record straight (via WebVideoReport).

cats on skateboards on youtubeNaturally I couldn’t resist a parody that includes Hoffner’s “that never happens” quote in a montage of nostalgic ads mixed with cat’s skateboarding. Here’s hoping Hoffner can laugh at the parody. I’m a YouTube Partner (paid content creator), but I didn’t monetize this puppy, Jordan.

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  1. Whoever writes TV Video’s copy really sucks as a journalist. Journalists fact check. And I quote from the article: “who voiced frustration at the misperception that the world’s biggest video-sharing site wants to monetize dogs on skateboards.”

    Dogs? Dogs? Does the TV Video writer not know the difference between cats and dogs?

    Probably not.

    Funny video response, Kevin. The music you chose was perfect!

  2. MDJ:
    I never trust journalists. I am really a news hound. I read the paper throughly every day, plus I watch the local & national evening news. And I read news websites like CNN. I figure if they all have the same story, it must be correct, right? 🙂

  3. No, Marilyn. I had a few local TV news anchor friends. They told me they just rewrite stories they read in the newspaper (broadcast news is written in pyramid style, print media is inverted pyramid style). I’ve seen factually incorrect stories broadcast from several different stations and newspapers. Funny thing: they all got the exact same facts wrong.

  4. I thought the biggest myth on youtube was that partners actually make money off their monetized videos.

  5. Oh by the way. I used to be a journalist, and I mostly told the truth unless it was too much work or I disagreed with it. They can write whatever they want, catgonit. .

  6. jischinger – April 8, 2008
    psssst.. marilyn stop doing that

    What am I supposed to stop doing? I am confused (not an unsual situation for me).

  7. Peter Coffin – April 8, 2008

    Rush Limbaugh is a journalist. Remember that.

    I’m not sure I would call him a journalist by any stretch of the imagination. He is simply a big mouth given a national audience. I am constantly amazed that anyone can listen to him and actually agree with his views.

  8. If I had control over what people perceive as journalism he wouldn’t be one. But most unfortunately, I do not.

    He does write THE LIMBAUGH LETTER, though! What a wonderful journalistic experience that is!

  9. He’s been paid half a billion dollars to spew his hate, so that makes him more of a televangelist than a journalist. He is America’s ayatolah of greed.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp7N47yg6X8 Schnappi Das Kleine Krokodil: Ich bin schnappi, das kleine krokodil.
    Komm aus ägypten, das liegt direkt am nil.
    Zuerst lag ich in einem ei,
    Dann schni-,schna-,schnappte ich mich frei

    Schni schna schnappi
    Schnappi schnappi schnapp
    Schni schna schnappi
    Schnappi schnappi schnapp
    Ich bin schnappi, das kleine krokodil,
    Hab scharfe zähne, und davon ganz schön viel.
    Ich schnapp mir was ich schnappen kann,
    Ja ich schnapp zu, weil ich das so gut kann.

    Schni schna schnappi
    Schnappi schnappi schnapp
    Schni schna schnappi
    Schnappi schnappi schnapp
    Ich bin schnappi, das kleine krokodil,
    Ich schnappe gern, das ist mein lieblingsspiel.
    Ich schleich mich an die mama ran,
    Und zeig ihr wie ich schnappen kann

    Schni schna schnappi
    Schnappi schnappi schnapp
    Schni schna schnappi
    Schnappi schnappi schnapp
    Ich bin schnappi, das kleine krokodil,
    Und vom schnappen, da krieg ich nicht zu viel.
    Ich beiß dem papi kurz ins bein,
    Und dann, dann schlaf ich einfach ein.

    Schni schna schnappi
    Schnappi schnappi schnapp (schnapp!)
    Schni schna schnappi (ja!)
    Schnappi schnappi schnapp (schnapp!)
    Schni schna schnappi (mhmm!)
    Schnappi schnappi schnapp (ja!)
    Schni schna schnappi
    Schnappi (hmm) schnappi schnapp

  11. Marilyn: stop watching CNN and reading newspapers 😉
    Peter: anyone can be a journalist, all you need it a name tag, seriously. Rush is an entertainer/comedian, not everyone can be that.

  12. marquisdejolie: Like most entertainers, Rush is also a recovering drug addict.

    Yeah, but prior to that revelation, he’d be the first one to bash all the drug-addicted entertainers.

    jischinger: Marilyn: stop watching CNN and reading newspapers

    I can’t. It’s a serious addiction with me. Kinda like watching Nalts’ videos and reading this blog. I really need a life! 🙂

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