The Art of Spam

Frequent commenter Jischinger has her own blog: “No Doubt About It- That Nut’s a Genius.” Deals with art, media, news, politics, science and technology. It’s on the blogroll list now.

In a recent post, we see a collection of videos titled “The Art of Spam.” Who said we can’t get something out of those Nigerian e-mails?

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  1. Dear Nalts,
    Wow! This is the big time for me. What a thrill, my life feels so complete now. Really. I’m not kidding. Seriously. Don’t you believe me? I hope you do, of course, you do, because your trust is everything. All is good and I have something important to tell you and need your full attention. Due to the sudden death of my father in Nigeria I have been awarded $12 million US that he hid from the rebel leaders. I can’t get at these funds presently, but I trust you Nalts. With my life! All I need for you to do is put these fund in a bank account, you can take 20% off the top, that should help you out, send me all of your bank and credit card numbers, oh and your date of birth, social security number and your zip. When I arrive to collect the funds we’ll go to the bank together, do lunch, on me, or make a calab video together.

    Thanks Nalts!

    BTW ReadersOfNalts send me your SPAM!
    Not real SPAM, clever videos made from SPAM that fancy a tickle.

  2. jischinger is full of crap! he’s my cousin and its NOT 12 million – its 24 bajillion!! and i need all the info he asked for plus your blood type, shoe size and big toe measurements.

    once this info is confirmed we can split the cash 80/20. you can keep the 80 share. ive already bought every earthly item of my desire. i know. i know. stop blushing cause im so generous. 🙂

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