Telekinetic Coffee Shop Prank: Carrie Movie Promotion

Carrie Coffee shop prankA man spills his coffee. A woman gets angry. Using telekinetic power, she sends him flying upward against a wall. Then she sends coffee tables sliding away with the wave of her hand. Finally she screams, and pictures fly off the wall and books fly to the ground.

I present to you the “Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise.”

This is one of the best pranks I’ve seen, and it’s also a masterful promotion for Carrie, the new movie adaptation of Stephen King’s classic. So it wins the official 2013 WillVideoForFood Best Viral Video Promotion award.

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  1. Needed more footage at the end showing bystander reaction, especially when people found out it was a prank.

    1. “Needed more footage at the end showing bystander reaction, especially when people found out it was a prank.”

      Nah, it didn’t 🙂

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