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Ted Stevens Describes the Tubular Internet (the Rap)

tedstevens.jpgCourtesy of Steve Garfield’s “Off on a Tangent,” and Joho the Blog… We give you the Ted Stevens Tube Rap:

Click to here Ted Stevens Tube Rap (opens MP3).

For more, visit CNet’s Political Blog (All Your Internet Are Belong to Ted Stephens).

You have to love the fact that the person REGULATING the Internet doesn’t know the difference between an e-mail and the Internet. Someone make a video!

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  1. Thanks for the link, Joe. I saw that the other night and was in stitches. Didn’t even think to hunt down the clip (we’ll see how long it lasts). I spent an hour trying to find the old SNL “Cowbell” skit. It’s gone from YouTube. Copyright police are active.

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