Bank of America is Your Sweet But Senile Grandmother on Twitter

Bank of America is Your Sweet But Senile Grandmother on Twitter

Digiday writer Saya Weissman lists Bank of America in the top-5 brand fails on Twitter, and I just had my own amusing experience with the bank. Today’s lesson for brands is simple: while it can’t hurt to integrate your customer service help desk with your social media efforts, you probably shouldn’t have customer service reps…

Do We Need a Site/Tool for Mobile Video Sharing?

Sure we want to share online video directly from our iPhone without the torture of downloading, synching, editing, compressing and uploading. But can the online-video mobile market sustain a middle-man brand/app for this activity? Or will this ultimately resolve itself when mobile devices standardize on how they behave with existing video sites? I enjoy some…

Intravenous Twitter Drip of Online-Video Enthusiasts

Without bookmarks, RSS or e-mails, there are a few sites I remember and visit randomly.  It’s usually because I’m bored or curious (but don’t know what I’m curious about). For instance, TechCrunch, Cheapskate, TheOnion, Google News, Yahoo Buzz. What are yours? On TechCrunch I found an article about Blekko, a search engine that avoids spam…

Morgan Freeman IS ALIVE (proof via phone)

Morgan Freeman finally reacted to the CNN Twitter hoax! Mark Robertson (ReelSEO) and I caught him via my iPhone tonight. Morgan Freeman Is ALIVE! [youtube][/youtube] CNN will aggressively investigate this hoax. CNN will aggressively investigate this hoax. CNN will aggressively investigate this hoax. CNN will aggressively investigate this hoax. CNN will aggressively investigate this hoax.

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Video & Your Smart Business Marketing Plan

Welcome WVFF Guest Blogger Larry Kless 2009 proved the power of video and social media can change the world. We experience the Presidential Inauguration with millions of friends on Facebook. We read breaking news stories from citizen journalists on Twitter. We saw live as-it-happens video on YouTube hours before the stories reached our televisions and…

How to Implement Social Media Despite Agency Limits & Stakeholder Fears

This Content-to-Commerce post revealed some interesting social-media statistics, and prompted me to answer two questions: “Why aren’t digital agencies bringing social-media to clients?” “Why can’t brands seem to overcome their internal inertia?” I have the somewhat rare experience of having seen social media strategy and tactics in various roles: as a marketer (client), client stakeholder…