Secret URL to Subscribe to YouTube Channel

How do you provide a link that automatically takes a viewer to the YouTube page that allows them to confirm a subscription? It took me quite a while to find this secret URL: So you’d replace “Nalts” above with your channel/profile/username. And while you’re at it, subscribe to Nalts. 🙂 Of course the person…


AppleTV & iTunes Dissintermediates Cable? Bigger Than Balloonboy Story.

Wowzer. Your’e going to want to read this post, because it’s hot news. And because I put some effort into some seriously solid metaphors that damned well better be scraped by some bigger bloggers. For years I’ve been bitching and moaning about Apple not putting its little heart into AppleTV (instead of screwing with these…

RSS a YouTube Channel

Some of you aren’t regular YouTube viewers, but have loads of RSS (feeds) available via a reader. I use iGoogle as my reader, for instance, and I have a customized page loaded with RSS feeds from my favorite blogs and websites. Butterfly. If you prefer to get alerts for new videos that way, here’s a…