Online-Video Junkies on Twitter
The “who’s who” of online video… follow them on Twitter
The “who’s who” of online video… follow them on Twitter
Steve Wozniak does salsa with Karina Smirnoff after injury on “Dancing With Stars”
When it comes to new-media news today, lots of rivers lead to the ocean. Steve Rubel (Micropersuasion) told me about this phenomenon two years ago when we hired him to speak at Johnson & Johnson, but now I’m seeing it first hand. I get all my news about cool stuff from you guys- the brooks…
I’ve been saying for years that I’d trust 100 patients’ diagnosis and recommendations over one doctor’s. It’s the power of the masses: a large set of less educated opinions are more likely to be informative than one educated professional. As an example, I posted a video last night called “5Ks are brutal,” and described some…