What Would Spongebob Do? WWSD?

What would Spongebob do (WWSD) if he found a fan remix of one of his ditties on YouTube? He’d rejoice. But Mr. Crabs? Probably send YouTube a DCMA “take-down” letter. It’s happened before with my homage to Cartoon Network’s Finn & Jake’s beloved “Treetrunks.” Nonetheless, here’s my remix of the lovely “Musical Doodle” earworm from a recent…


Can The Mutant-Child of Cable & Web Video Survive? Seven Magic Tricks.

Television networks have had no more luck spawning, popularizing, or learning from online-video content than newspapers have had increasing circulation in recent years. But Fox 15 Gig has caught some online-video gurus’ attention, and UncleNalts has 7 magic tricks for you television and cable mavens who dare enter the shark-infested viral online-video watery… thing. The…

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Trend Spotting: Tag-Team Vlogging… Brothers, Awesome Girls, Guys, Kids and Dogs.

It’s the hottest new trends in video vlogging since ZeFrank jumped the shark. A video channel shared by multiple people, each of whom takes a certain day of the week. The possibilities are endless. Thought it’s probably an art form that has roots in the 1700s, this was mainstreamed by BrotherHood 2.0, where two brothers…


Seven Awesome Kids Launches

Here’s a new YouTube channel called , where the Nalts kids join 6 other families for a rotating blog (in the tradition of FiveAwesomeGirls and FiveAwesomeGuys (fiveawesomekids was taken, and we had more families that wanted to participate). This is the debut video, which features: http://www.youtube.com/Nalts http://www.youtube.com/MuggleSam http://www.youtube.com/AmazingHolly http://www.youtube.com/Berzerkeley http://www.youtube.com/Russosa http://www.youtube.com/Maryann712 http://www.youtube.com/user/kayceprincess