
Economy Pushes Advertisers to UGC (user generated content)

Remember my post about 10 reasons online-video advertising (the smart ways) will be recession proof? Here’s something written days later, and worth reading. Good for creators worrying about your revenue in 2009, or advertisers looking how to spread your 2009 spending… From Jack Meyers’ media report. “Marketers need to determine how they can put less money…


10 Decent Reasons Online Video Ads ‘r Recession Resistant

Oh shut up about the stupid recession, you big whiner. I’m sick of hearing about it — and just because it’s an economic depression doesn’t mean we all have to get clinically depressed.   Seriously. You’re beginning to sound like that annoying friend who’s always complaining about health problems… The co-worker or neighbor who doesn’t know that…


Is Online-Video Recession Proof?

Online-video advertising is still dwarfed by television advertising. But fear not the recession, online video advocates! Fear not these gloomy photos of the depression that you’re seeing on all of the weekly magazines. And this is according to  Christine Beardsell from Digitas writes in a ClickZ article. Here are three reasons Beardsell says online video advertising…