Sarah Palin to Provide “Cringer” Quotes during Vice President Debate. Video Parodies Begin to Stew.

Well it’s time to ready the cameras for the inevitable parade of Sarah Palin parodies based on tonight’s Vice President Debate! We’re having friends over, and I’ve already purchased 16 Sarah-Palin paper masks (and only 8 Biden ones, as I don’t expect them to be as popular). What’s going to be the great Sarah Palin quote…


Best YouTube Song Parodies

I just discovered this OneProduktionFilms playlist of YouTube song parodies (ones created mostly by YouTubers — not repurposed television song parodies). Below are videos of my two favorites Jon Lajoie (who I want to be when I grow up) in “High as F*ck.” And the classic “YouTube is My Life” by Church of Blow. Like…

Cell Phone Parody Videos: iPhone, oPhone, Blackberry and Android

It’s July 3, which is annual “bitch about your stupid cell phone day.” Don’t verify that on Wikipedia yet. So let’s step back, but not rate or compare the Microsoft oPhone, iPhone, Android and Blackberry for a moment. But let’s not debate Mac versus Microsoft versus Google versus Blackberry. It just divides humanity, and that’s what…