How to Stop Kids from Using Electronics (Phone, PDAs) to Cheat in School

My 8-year-old son asked for help putting on his calculator watch this morning. He joked that he might use it during tests, and I quietly told him it might be a big mistake. His eyes perked up. “Why, dad?” “The alarm goes off… it’s really embarrassingĀ  when the ‘cheating alarm’ goes off.” He smiled, realizing…

YouTube Captions Underwhelms

In one of its most underwhelming functionality changes in the past decade, YouTube now offers captions. Qui donne une merde? You’ll need to look for it by clicking the arrow button and selecting “captions” but it probably won’t exist in your language. That’s because the creator has to use special software and can only translate…

YouTube Thumbnail Isn’t Center Frame Anymore

For the last few videos I’ve uploaded to YouTube, I’ve discovered a disturbing trend. The default thumbnail (image that represents the video) isn’t predictable. YouTube appeared to be departing from the model of using the center frame and the 1/3 and 2/3 frame. At the risk of spreading potential Twitter rumors, a little birdie says…