The Future of Technology (as seen by Tom Selleck and AT&T in 1993)

Imagine sending a fax from the beach via a computer, or using a payphone to say goodnight to your child… from another timezone. It was all part of AT&T’s WE WILL campaign, and remarkably accurate in its general predictions. But unfortunately we’re not sure the telecommunications company pulled any of these off. Hey- at least…

Today’s Stars in Pre-Fame Television Commercials

It’s hard for stars to hide from cheesy pre-fame television commercials when there’s YouTube, right? Let’s enjoy a few of their early advertisements, which I’ve spent most of New Year’s Eve compiling for you (winner that I am) Jack Black doing Pitfall! (best ever) Lindsay Lohan in a Jello commercial in around 1996 Keanu Reeves…


What We Can Learn from Most-Viewed Videos of 2010

What can we learn from the most-viewed “viral” videos of 2010? How are they similar and different from years past? First, let’s take a look at the run-down, courtesy of YouTube and ReelSEO, here’s the list. YouTube has a new trend blog/website that’s worth bookmarking or RSS’ing: YouTube Trends. The BED INTRUDER SONG! (a news clip…

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Top Viral-Video Advertisements of All Time

Topping OldSpice and Evian, the most-viewed online-video advertiser is Blendtec, according to “The Top 10 Viral Ads of All Time,” by AdAge (AdvertisingAge) and VisibleMeasures. Seriously we’re not tired of it. Here’s the page on YouTube where you can sort videos and channels by most-viewed , most-liked, most-subscribed by day, week, month, all time. Find…

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Want Your Ad to Go Old-Spice Viral? You’re More Likely to Develop Abs Like Isaiah Mustafa.

When I see my sweet AdAge pour more gas on the “Old-Spice goes viral” story, I feel like it’s time to remind my fellow marketers that they’ve got a better shot of developing (the shirtless actor) Isaiah Mustafa‘s abs than getting their TV or online-video spot viral. This is another excellent example of the exception…

New Disclosure & Transparency Code for Social Media

Social media pioneers have long advocated honesty, disclosure, bacchanalianility, transparency and authenticity. First there were codes for standard disclosures. Then WOMMA came out with its disclosure guideand hashtags like #spon, #paid, #samp. Today the world’s most widely read blog that is called WillVideoForFood announced a new short URL you bloggers, social-media whores and YouTube stars…